By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Hat Tip: Big Dogs House

I wrote on this yesterday, but in honor of Tea Party Day, I think I’ll rant just a little bit more…

The report issued by DHS that was read far and wide, was nothing short of a scare tactic to keep people away from the Tea Parties in my opinion. Well, I would safely say that it had the exact opposite effect that was desired. I also blog at and help oversee Media Mythbusters – the wiki and the blog – and here is our Tea Party Movement page. It got some nice press over at and a mention or two on some of the networks. Anyone can register and enter on the media wiki and I encourage all of you to do so. Any way, by looking at our traffic today I would say that the government has helped the tea party movement nicely. Thanks guys!

I found the DHS document highly offensive. Not just to conservatives and constitutionalists, but specifically because of the slander against our military vets. The references concerning our bravest were a travesty and just plain evil. I have considered this report in detail after having printed it out and handing a copy to everyone in my family to read. Yes, Virginia, I’m A Right Wing Extremist…

  • I pay my taxes faithfully every year so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I love and cherish my country and I am not afraid to tell the world that or to fly a flag in front of my house so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that there is true evil in this world and that we have the right and duty to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our country from it so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe in the sanctity of human life especially the unborn so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe in God and pray to him each day for myself, those I love and my country. I kneel to no other and submit my life only to God so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe in the Constitution and all that our Founders bled and died for so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that we are a nation of laws and that no one is above the law. If you are here illegally you should be forced to follow our laws or leave so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that we all have the right to bear arms and to use them for our protection from enemies both foreign and domestic so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that the Second Amendment means exactly what it says and that without the right to bear arms we, as a people, would be at the whim and mercy of our government so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe in limited government so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe in freedom for the American people and that we should, without hesitation, fight an oppressive form of government so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that America is the greatest and strongest nation on Earth and that we owe no one an apology and that we should never show weakness so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that DHS and any other suppressive government agency should stay out of my personal business and if not, should go know themselves in the biblical sense so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that Barack Obama is a Socialist who will implement policies that are harmful to this country and that in fact he is an enemy to all the things that our founding fathers stood for so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I will never willingly submit to our government giving them the freedom to treat us as slaves and destroy America our home so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I don’t believe in taxation with misrepresentation so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe as a country we should not spend what we don’t have so I must be a right wing extremist.
  • I believe that as a nation of Americans we should stand firmly against Islamic radicals, terrorism and our enemies and really fight them no matter what it takes so I must be a right wing extremist.

So, now that that is settled, why don’t you guys in the alphabet agencies actually do something useful for a change, like, oh, I don’t know, protect us from real terrorists? Attacking patriotic Americans is really not a road you want to go down. Just know this – America is watching you and we are waiting and ready to do what our founding fathers would have done if this ship does not right itself and soon.