By: Bob McCarty
Bob McCarty Writes

Sometimes, you find a nugget of truth on a web site that’s more valuable than anything the web site’s owner might intend to share with you. That was the case this morning when I visited the AFL-CIO web site. The video above tells the story in just over a minute as does the story below.

How did I end up on the site purporting to represent the interests of 11.5 million workers? Allow me to explain.

For three weeks, I’ve been reporting on the weekly Saturday afternoon rallies that, for 18 months, have drawn as many as 400 anti-socialism, anti-ObamaCare citizens to the intersections of Highways K and N in O’Fallon, Mo. At the 2:25 mark of my most-recent video report from the rally site, I was told by Roger Wells, a machinist from Machinists Union Local 1745 in Warren County, Mo., that the rally was “sanctioned by our union” and that people from “Working Families for Working Family Issues people” were at the rally.*

Not terribly familiar with the “working families” group about which he was speaking, I decided to do use Google Advanced Search to dig up more details.

Though I found no results for the phrase, “working families for working family issues”, I did notice that the Google was kind enough to provide links to 10 similar results. At the bottom of those similar results was a link to More results for working families for working families issues (without quotes) ». I clicked on that link, and it yielded more than 46 million results.

Most promising among those results was the 16th link shown. By clicking on it, I was whisked to the Working Families Toolkit page on the AFL-CIO web site (see the partial screen shot image above).

Not certain about where to proceed, I clicked on the “Share Campaign Materials” link (which I don’t want to provide) and it led me to a page that looked like the partial screen shot image below. It’s message: This Connection is Untrusted.

Perhaps, it means nothing, but the subliminal message sent by Firefox (i.e., “Don’t trust the Big Labor Union bosses at the AFL-CIO”) was unmistakably enjoyable for a good laugh. Thanks, Firefox!

*To read other video-included reports about the rallies at Highways K and N, click here