By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

I awoke to the cheerful news that Iran will be building 10 new nuclear plants starting in January. No surprise here… They already have enough enriched Uranium for a bomb. This would give them the capacity for 300 such bombs.

For years I have posted on the fact that Iran would not stop and that they are the master of the middle eastern delay, distract and progress nuclear tactic. While our administration babbles on about more sanctions – sanctions that would be no more of a deterrent than all the ones that preceded them in the past – Iran merrily continues their nuclear dreams of Armageddon and the nuclear clock is almost at midnight. Obama is actively aiding and abetting the Iranian regime by dithering and Dear Leader knows it. Russia and China only give lip service to sanctions. They will use Iran to do their global dirty work for them, or at least get the annihilating gears moving towards a global power grab. The IAEA has actively allowed Iran to get to this point as well – none of this is naivety; it is all by design.

Yes, while the rest of us have sugar plums dancing in our dreams, the poisonous dwarf is dreaming of a nuclear-blasted Israel and America. Venezuela and Cuba have both been conducting war games alongside Iran over the last few weeks – they know what is coming and revel in it. While Americans are distracted with a silent Marxist coup within their government, a not-so-silent military alliance has formed and is wielding a ferocious nuclear fist. A large part of this alliance is right in America’s backyard.

Israel will not stand for this. As I heard on Fox News this morning, in the words of Obama: Yes, Israel can and Yes, Israel will fight to stop this. Whether she can or not is to be seen. I fear she can no longer depend on the US for help as we have been compromised and crippled. Countdown to Nuclear Armageddon is upon us – may God have mercy on the US and Israel because Iran and their cohorts will not.