On Dec. 7th, the 68th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, our commemorative post mentioned that Google did not recognize the event at all. Well, I guess it was an honest oversight since Google obviously has more important matters to attend to – like, you know, manipulating information and news concerning healthcare… Why else would Google feel the need to establish a Health Advisory Council a few years ago? It’s almost as if they were preparing for the fight Americans now find themselves embroiled in. And here’s a hint – they are not on the side of American citizens. Oh no, they are in bed with the Obama administration and benefiting hugely from said relationship.

From Google:

We often seek expertise from outside the company, and health is no exception. To help us think about the ways we can contribute to the healthcare industry, we formed the Google Health Advisory Council. The Google Health Advisory Council is made up of healthcare experts from provider organizations, consumer and disease-based groups, physician organizations, research institutions, policy foundations, and other fields.

The mission of the Google Health Advisory Council is to help us better understand the problems consumers and providers face every day and to offer us feedback on product ideas and development.

I’m sure this is totally innocent – right… So, this Health Advisory Council must have some impact on the health debate or why would it even exist? Inquiring Americans would really like to know.

John R. Lumpkin.

Americans should note the background and connections of one of Google’s Health Advisory Board members – John R. Lumpkin. On the face of it, Dr. Lumpkin has an impressive medical pedigree. But as with all who are connected to Obama, look deeper. Dig a bit and you find the Communist connections.

Yesterday, we showed you New Zeal’s post on Chicago’s radicalized elite. Today, we take it even further. Dr. Lumpkin’s parents were members of the Communist Party there in Chicago. Dr. Lumpkin himself was once a publicly identified supporter of the Communist Party USA. His parents are two Chicago Communist Party stalwarts, Frank and Bea Lumpkin. In their day, the senior Lumpkins were leaders of the Illinois Party.

New Zeal goes on to list the Communist connections:

Leading members of the “Committee to elect John R. Lumpkin” included Harold Washington, Carol Moseley Braun and Communist Party members Roberta Wood, Scott Marshall, Joe Kransdorf and Frank Lumpkin.

Timuel Black-now a member of both the Communist Party breakaway group Committees of Correspondence for Democracy Socialism and Democratic Socialists of America, was on the list. Blacklater became a close friend and supporter of Barack Obama.

Also there was Quentin Young, now a member of Democratic Socialists of America. For more than 20 years Young has been a close friend, personal physician and political mentor to Barack Obama.

All of this ties back to the movement for single-payer socialized healthcare. Trevor goes into depth on those pushing for this reform. He is actively connecting the Chicago dots for Americans. READ IT ALL…

And then ask yourself just how much has Google sold its soul to the Obama administration and the Marxists/Socialists/Communists that are so thoroughly entwined throughout our government now? I can tell you that this will not end well. That the America I know will not passively take being turned into a third world hell-hole that would be ruled by an arrogant elitist minority – wait isn’t that the definition of a totalitarian dictatorship?