Dear Friends and Supporters,

With Ronald Reagan’s birthday fast approaching, our campaign has compiled something we hope you’ll agree is a special tribute to his memory and his wisdom. We have searched and found archived audio, video and actual newsreel footage to create a video tribute to Ronald Reagan’s last campaign…against Harry Reid.

The video, entitled “Reagan’s Last Campaign Lives On” tells a story of a single day, when, with control of the U.S. Senate at stake, Ronald Reagan spent his last day campaigning – in Las Vegas, Nevada to defeat Harry Reid.

The date? November 3, 1986. The location? Las Vegas, Nevada in Scenic Airline’s South Hangar.

Maybe you remember where you were that day? It was a historic day.

It was in fact the last day… of Reagan’s “last campaign.”

As the audio and video of his final campaign speech to Nevadans makes clear, Ronald Reagan always knew Harry Reid was no “Reagan Democrat.” Ronald Reagan warned us all that as a Senator, Harry Reid was a “tax and spend liberal.” He told us that he “opposed a balanced budget amendment.” And that in Harry Reid’s years as a Congressman, he had already voted against his policies even more often than Senator Kennedy that decade.

Harry Reid may have won that Senate election, but history tells us that Ronald Reagan was right to warn us about Harry Reid, and Reagan’s final words that final campaign day still echo and inspire us all:

“There are really no last, final campaigns. Each generation must renew and win again for itself, the precious gift of liberty, and the sacred heritage of freedom.”

Please watch, enjoy and share with your friends this special archival video and please redouble your efforts to help us defeat Harry Reid.

Ronald Reagan’s last campaign lives on…Please join us.

Danny Tarkanian