By: Trevor Loudon

Now that “Climate Change” has been discredited in the “First World”, its Marxist promoters are turning to the “oppressed” masses of the “Third World” to promote their cause.

The World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth is about to be convened in Cochabamba, Bolivia, April 19 to 22, 2010.

Bolivia’s Marxist president Evo Morales, is to use this huge gathering of “indigenous” peoples, revolutionaries and anarchists to promote his idea for an international referendum on “Climate Change”.

Morales wants at least 2 billion people to vote in his proposed referendum;

At the Copenhagen conference, President Evo Morales proposed that, given the lack of an accord among governments, the people should be consulted in a referendum of global scale. He put forth the following five questions for that referendum:

1) Do you agree with reestablishing harmony with nature while recognizing the rights of the Mother Earth? YES or NO

2) Do you agree with changing this model of over-consumption and waste that represents capitalist system? YES or NO

3) Do you agree that developing countries reduce and reabsorb their domestic greenhouse gas emissions for temperature not to rise more than 1 degree Celsius? YES or NO

4) Do you agree with transferring all that is spent in wars and for allocating a budget bigger than used for defense to climate change? YES or NO

5) Do you agree with a Climate Justice Tribunal to judge those who destroy Mother Earth? YES or NO

The working group will discuss the pertinence of this proposal, the questions it will ask, and the concrete aspects of organizing a referendum at the global level with the participation of different peoples and progressive governments.

Don’t laugh. It is highly likely that the United Nations, or other international organizations will pick up this idea and run with it.

“Climate Change” is not dead yet. the movement has changed its target audience from the educated and industrialized West, to the impoverished and less literate peoples of the planet.

“Climate Change” will become less and less about pseudo science and more and more about “justice”.