By: Dave Logan


TPX tour embed Andrea Shea King has coverage of Lloyd Marcus — voice of the Tea Party Movement — and the recent release of his newest project. Marcus, well known here in the States as a singer-song writer and author, has gone international. Andrea has the report.

DAY NINE of TPX IV brought the tour to Nashville, TN. It rained, but it didn’t dampen any spirits. Umbrellas and ‘taking back America’ were the orders of the day. Andrea has commentary along with some photos of the events.

DAY TEN has the tour pulling into Paducah, Ky — 11 AM; then back on the road for a 5 PM rally at St. Louis, Mo. Check the TPX tour schedule for rallies in your town.

TEA PARTY HD AND LIBERTY.COM brings you”live” rally coverage to your computer — hundreds of thousands view each day, so if you can’t attend in person, do it from your living room. TPX IV rallies are but a click away!

With a week remaining before we ‘fundamentally re-transform America,’ TPX officials are calling on membership to hit the CONTRIBUTE BUTTON. The final week’s push to victory at the polls is not cheap — not even close to cheap — and now’s not the time to hold back. Ad buys, travel and many other challenges must be faced head-on, and NOW. The progressives never take a day off or take time to sleep — we shouldn’t either. We’ve come this far, let’s finish the job at hand: Nov 2nd. Any contribution you can make — big, small or in between — will be most appreciated and used effectively against our opponents. After this tour, there will be more work for us to do… much more. In fact, the real heavy lifting begins on Nov 3rd and won’t end until we unravel the progressive policies that have been forced upon the American people over the last 18 months. The responsibility now falls to our generation — the next Greatest Generation, but don’t expect Tom Brokaw to write a book about us. Leave that to patriots like Lloyd Marcus and quite possibly Andrea Shea King.

Melanie, John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit, Barbara at American Freedom and Terresa Monroe-Hamiton at NoisyRoom are still in the trenches, helping spread the word about TPX IV. Many others are reporting as well and together we will be victorious on the 2nd and beyond. Follow their lead, get involved in some way. There’s but a week remaining.

THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will again be broadcasting “live” from the road — talking tour news as well as news in general. 9 PM ET nightly.

UPDATE: Paducah, Ky rally — Andrea Shea King with Rand Paul; below that, Rand Paul being mobbed by the media for interviews — 11:30 AM PT.

Above: Lloyd Marcus performs with Selena Owens supporting the act.