By: AJ

Millionaire Entrepreneur Ephren Taylor

What a remarkable story! Starting his own company in grade school, Ephren Taylor proves the American Dream can be achieved by anyone who wants to work for it. His creativity, intellect and hard work made him a multi-millionaire – and he’s only 24 years old.

This is the fifth in a series titled “The American Dream,” which puts a spotlight on individuals who have created something out of nothing and there are millions more who haven’t been written about. Every success story has come from the ideas, dreams, determination, hard work and sacrifice of individuals coupled with the freedom America offers. Freedom is what has made America the most prosperous and generous country in the world. And this is why millions of people from around the globe seek entry into America every year.

The freedom to pursue ones dream exists in abundance in America – the freest nation on earth. Our Founding Fathers knew that freedom doesn’t come from “man” or “government,” it comes from our Creator. Hence, our Founders documented our natural freedoms/rights when they established our country as a Republic instead of a Democracy. If freedoms/rights come from nature’s law, then they can never be taken away; if government has the power to grant freedoms/rights, then government has the power to take them away.

Today our Congress and White House are infested with people who want to limit and extinguish our freedom, destroy our free-market system and drastically change our way of life so that it’s “equal to” – “on par with” the under-developed countries ruled by dictators and oligarchs.

Redistributing wealth within America is not their intent, as evidenced by the sharp increase in the number of Americans who are now below the poverty line and receiving food stamps since Obama became President; the number of “poor” Americans is now at an all time high.

If you’re still focused on the left’s untrue talking points, consider this… The 111th Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Harry Reid (D-NV), and President Obama have spent more taxpayer dollars in the past two years than all Presidents and Congresses combined from George Washington to Ronald Reagan and the Federal Reserve has printed over $2 Trillion out of thin air under Obama. There are over 43 million poor people in America now, so what has Obama done with the trillions of dollars he’s spent in these past two years?

If just $1 Trillion of what Obama’s taken from American taxpayers were given to our poor families, all of them would join the ranks of the middle class. As you can see, it’s never been about helping America’s poor. Otherwise, why is it that a record number of Americans are now poor and our middle class is shrinking?

The politicians in power are focused solely on taking wealth from America and giving it to the governments of other countries which is sanctioned, aided and abetted by the United Nations (UN). It’s not about “social, economic or environmental justice;” it’s about diminishing and de-industrializing big bad America in order to usher in an international oligarchy which rules over us and all people of developed nations.

The goal of Progressives is not to redistribute wealth within America; it’s to take wealth from America, give it to governments of other countries and make America a poorer and diminished nation.

Let’s hope that all Americans understand what will become of this country if politicians like those in our White House and in the Congressional Progressive Caucus are successful. America will regress and transform in a way that no one alive today can imagine. Even the misguided socialist (e.g. DSA) and communist (e.g. CPUSA) community agitators who live among us can’t imagine it even though they’re working very hard to help Progressive/Democrat politicians achieve it.

When you hear the words “reform,” “comprehensive,” “safety,” “global,” “social, economic or environmental justice,” “public-private partnership” or “progressive” from our politicians, know that their goal is to “transform” America such that everything and everyone is controlled by the government elites (an oligarchy). If you’re unsure about that, read and research the following for starters:

  • Healthcare Reform (dictate the medical care we will and won’t receive)
  • Food Takeover Act (control our food)
  • Finance Reform (control our money)
  • Serve America Act (indoctrinate our youth – to serve the government)
  • Net Neutrality (control our internet)
  • EPA Regulations (control our land/property, sea, air and energy)
  • FCC Regulations (control our media)
  • New START Treaty (diminish our national security)

If you’re still unsure, stay tuned for the next article where you’ll hear them in their own words.
