Column One: Lara Logan and media rules

Islamic Antichrist? See the book Glenn Beck raves about (Hat Tip: Brian B.)

We Are The Lame Horse (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

John Boehner: Israel Sacrificed For The Sake of Peace and Stability (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Offended Mubarak refuses call from Obama (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Egypt Gets Its Khomeini (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

“Egypt’s New Hitler,” Sheik Qaradawi, Returns to Egypt for Friday Prayers (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

American Pundits and Policymakers Don’t Understand that Democracy Isn’t Necessarily More Moderate (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

AHMADINEJAD SAYS “THE FINAL MOVE HAS BEGUN”: Revolution in Egypt managed by the Twelfth Imam

Triumph! 1,500 Patriots Counter the Muslim Brotherhood in Yorba Linda (Hat Tip: Brian B.)

Report: Iran Requests Suez Passage for Warships Update: Report — Egypt Says Okay — Ships Ahoy! (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Radical Islamist Calls for Egyptian Army to Open Border Crossing With Gaza (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Egypt: Qaradawi, World’s Leading Islamist Tries to Take Charge of the Revolution (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

The Time of the Brothers? (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Google Protest Hero Barred From Stage by Islamists at Victory Rally (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Egypt: The “Angry Arab” Speaks Truth to Naive Westerners (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Adolfmadinejad: Obama “doesn’t even know how to spell his own name” (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

Kerry Plays With Fire by Backing an Uprising in Bahrain (Hat Tip: Larwyn)

The Bahrain Army Just Started Firing Machine Guns Right Into The Protesters

Now, Obama warns Bahrain, Libya and Yemen

Under high congressional pressure, U.S. vetoes controversial Israel resolution

A Texas Teacher Looks At Wisconsin