By: Arlen Williams
Gulag Bound

Everybody does.

What do you do for a living? Did you have training in that?

Pardon my speaking of myself, I happen to know me a lot better than I know anyone else. I have participated within and have run grass roots efforts in numerous phases of politics. I have also run electoral campaigns. I made sure I was trained, before, or as I did. I needed it. And if I did electoral organizing again, I would need a refresher. I would want to have some catch-up sessions with those who are doing it now and to take in a seminar or two, at the very least. Having a highly principled and qualified mentor or three is important, too.

Training is a continuous process. In the research we must continue to do, to understand the lengths and depths of the globalist/collectivist onslaught against our Sovereign and and free America, we must never stop learning.

The same is true with political activism and organizing.

My hunch is that our opposition views us as a little like this.

Video, “Monty Python’s Twit Race Sketch

And if so, they have a point.

For basic help at the starting line, Gulag Bound has published James Simpson’s “Patriot’s Handbook.” And we need to develop far, far beyond that beginning.

We should post more about political training, soon. For now, we suggest browsing the site of the tried and true Leadership Institute. A more recent comer worth looking into is American Majority. Also, network with groups that have been around the block a few times and find out who may hold a seminar and/or provide some guidance in your locality. Don’t be afraid to borrow from the experiences of those seasoned in social issues causes, such as pro-life and pro-marriage.

Five things Tea Party organizers and key activists need:

1. training – overall activism
2. training – electoral activism (the most important)
3. training – organization management
4. to maintain volunteer decision making and independence of centralized, top-down management (hint: that’s what we’re opposing)
5. planning & execution

A decision to consider heavily is to become your own Precinct Coordinator and to encourage compatriots to do the same. Leadership Institute teaches this. Also, two bootstrap entities created to provide more information, training, and mentoring about this are National Precinct Alliance and U.S. Patriots Union.

There is more to be said. There is much too much at stake, to ignore this. Maybe that should be Point Number 0, above. We need to ask ourselves: Do I understand America is being warred against? Am I dedicated enough to constitutionally fighting back, by making sure that I not only spend the time and make the effort, but know how to do that most effectively?