By: Andrea Shea King
The Radio Patriot

“At first, I was a little nervous. Who do you call? The Department of Justice? The Treasury? The White House? We couldn’t call any of them. I felt alone.”

On his radio show today, what Glenn Beck did NOT mention was the uncomfortable fact that Fox News did not report on the plot he revealed yesterday.

When Glenn had all the information about the clandestine meeting at Pace University in which former SEIU thug Steve Lerner laid out plans to topple America’s banking system, he knew he stood alone. But he had to be hoping the news operations — the producers of the Barbie and Ken brain pilot shows at Fox News – would grab the ball and run with it, even if no other news outlet would. A reasonable expectation, right?


As we’ve sadly and disappointedly come to expect from Fox News, Glenn Beck continues to stand alone. One would think that his home network — of ALL the TV news operations out there — would have run with the exclusive story he broke wide open yesterday. And that they’d have played it high up in the first segment.

We waited… nothing. (But we did get a “stimulating” discussion on the panel about light bulbs…)

Nope. Nothing on last night’s Special Report with Bret Baier, the show that immediately follows Beck’s. (It’s not like they didn’t have all day to put it in the line-up — Glenn broke the news on his radio show yesterday morning.) Nothing with Shemp (I know it’s Shep…). O’Really didn’t cover it. Hannity (stay within the lines) didn’t cover it. Greta didn’t cover it (but wait a beat… John McCain coming up next!)

I checked the Fox News websites just now — not a word about it. Proof? Take a look at today’s Fox News websites — (roll your cursor over the bottom to pause slideshow – [visit Andrea’s site to see this]). See any mention at all??? Just as shocking — nothing at Fox BUSINESS News’ site, for the love of Mike. The Business Channel doesn’t cover the biggest economic story this year? Are these people brain dead? Or is this by design? Fox News, once again, deciding what you will know. “We decide…”

The New York Times today runs a story about Glenn (see the post beneath this one) and his future at Fox, but NOT A WORD about the plot to destabilize our economy through economic terrorism against our banking system. Is it a wonder THEIR ratings are dropping? No one believes them anymore.

And anyone who believes that Fox News is the answer to the lamestream media is being duped. And mislead. And if I’m wrong, please bring it to my attention. I’d be delighted to issue a correction and set the record straight.


Also, why did Drudge have the story up on his site for only about five minutes before it was taken down?

It wasn’t played very high up on the page… in fact, it was buried down several headlines in the middle column. NOT where one would have expected it to be. I was looking for red letters above the fold.


Glenn’s reporting that Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz is launching an investigation into the Leftist Plot to use economic terrorism to bring down our banking system.

More details to come…