By: Jeffrey Klein
Political Buzz Examiner

This past Sunday morning, while a guest on NBC’s Meet the Press, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was knocked back on his heels by a random act of journalistic integrity–when he was challenged to defend the Obama Usama bin Laden campaign ad, which questioned whether Gov. Mitt Romney would have made the same call to go.

David Gregory, the long-time host of the show, cornered Biden on how anyone could ask such a question, or imply that Romney would not have given the same order, according to a FOXNews article yesterday.

Then Gregory pivoted and pointed out that Biden himself had rolled out a new bumper sticker slogan, implying the same thing during a speech last month, declaring that under Obama, “bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive” — and followed up by asking the crowd whether Romney could have used that slogan “in reverse” if he were president.

At that very point, David Gregory rightfully skewered Biden; by saying … “it is striking that at ‘H’ hour of ‘D’ day for this operation you told the president don’t do it!”

“Then you say that Romney wouldn’t make the same decision?”

“I don’t know what Gov. Romney would have done if given the same information as Obama,” replied Biden–as if he had just been spanked by a rolled-up newspaper.

Perhaps it was Usama bin Laden who had Joe Biden accurately sized-up as an adversary, revealed in the material captured from his home that night by Seal Team Six members, according to an Associated Press article from yesterday.

Apparently, military intelligence analysts discovered that bin Laden wanted to shoot down President Obama’s plane, reasoning that an assassination would elevate an “utterly unprepared” Biden to the presidency and plunge the U.S. into crisis.

Little did bin Laden know that Barack Obama was only one step above Biden–at “totally unprepared” to be president–and that he already has our country mired in crisis.