By: Jeffrey Klein
Political Buzz Examiner

A recent poll from Rasmussen Reports reveals that 87% of Americans see right through camp[y] shenanigans like Barack Obama’s recent revelation to [again] support gay marriage, the Washington Post’s 5,500 word front page tome on one of Gov. Mitt Romney’s high school pranks 48 years ago, and the short-lived “Republican War on Women.”

This means that David Axelrod’s Chicago campaign machine is failing miserably at inventing fake, ‘flavor of the week’ distractions, to camouflage the facts that prove the first term of Newsweek magazine’s “First Gay President” has been nothing but an unmitigated disaster for all Americans, which is followed by a parade of polling roundly predicting the train wreck coming in November for President Obama and Congressional Democrats.

Speaking of which, a new CBS News/New York Times poll shows that even after all the Hollywood style hoopla, only 7% of [registered] voters consider same-sex marriage the top concern in November, according to a FOXNews article today.

That’s the end of the good news for President Obama.

The bad news is that the same poll reveals that 67% of registered voters thought Obama’s move was openly political, with 86% of Republicans and 70% of Independents agreeing.

As expected, 62% responded that the economy is “far and away” the most important issue in this election cycle–with the largest portion, 39 percent, saying the economy “has not changed,” under President Obama’s first term in office.

Second in importance was the budget deficit at 11 percent, according to CBS News coverage of their poll today, giving the economic management of the country the top 73 percent of respondent’s votes.

And unfortunately for President Obama, 67% of the CBS/NYT poll responsdents felt that the economy was in “bad shape.”

For the first time Rasmussen Reports poll respondents trust Gov. Romney over President Obama on all five issues they regularly survey, “especially when it comes to money,” and in particular, who Americans trust to fix the economy, with Romney scoring a strong 51% of the vote to Obama’s distant 39%.

The CBS/NYT poll also noted that Gov. Romney pulled ahead among women voters, garnering 46% versus 44% for President Obama–less than a month ago Obama had a 49% to 43% edge.

The same poll had 22% of the all important Independent voters dropping their support of Obama, as a result of supporting same-sex marriage.

Fully 26% of the respondents to the poll said they were “less likely” to support President Obama in November, as a result of his position on same-sex marriage, according to the New York Times article reporting on their poll yesterday.

The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday on a recent Gallup poll, which showed that Barack Obama’s coming out in favor of gay marriage would make one-fourth of Americans less likely to vote for him in November.

And to top it off, the CBS/NYT poll showed Gov. Romney leading President Obama 46 to 43 percent.

Although Rasmussen Reports presidential weekly tracking poll numbers have had Gov. Romney leading President Obama since early May, this week it was by 47 to 45 percent–after having opened up to a 50 to 42 percent gap last week, once Romney became the sole and presumptive Republican nominee.

Finally, in his February 1, 2012 article in Commentary Magazine, Jonathan Tobin reports on a comparative analysis he conducted on the electoral college map of the United States, using Gallup polling data for the “net change” in President Obama’s approval ratings from 2008 to 2011–as a predictor of [November 2012] election results, which he states …. “presents a picture that ought to be deeply distressing to the White House:”

Mitt Romney: 323 (270 needed to win)

Barack Obama: 215

Amen and pass the ammo.