By: Trevor Loudon
New Zeal

Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who helped Edward Snowden launch the NSA leaks scandal, addressed a radical Marxist-Leninist conference in 2011.

Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald

Greenwald spoke at the International Socialist Organization’s Socialism 2011 conference, which was held July 1-4, 2011 in Chicago.

Glenn Greenwald gave a keynote address on “Civil liberties under Obama.”

Greenwald also ended the evening of July 3, as part of a plenary entitled “Revolution and imperialism in the Middle East” with Beesan Kassab, Chicago based pro-Palestine activist Ali Abunimah, Mostafa Omar and International Socialists leader Ahmed Shawki.

Before Greenwald and comrades started the plenary, the crowd warmed at the evening with a little chanting.

ISO is one of America’s main Trotskyist/Marxist-Leninist parties.

Their orientation can be seen from some of the other plenaries on offer, such as “Lenin and the vanguard party,” “Marxism and the state,” “Marxism, war, and imperialism,” “Russia’s revolutionary process, 1905–1917,” “Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution,” “Marxism and the future socialist society,” “The politics of International Socialism” and “Enemies in blue: The police under capitalism.”

As major Israel haters, the International Socialists also organized several plenaries on the Middle East and Palestine, including “Israel: Watchdog of imperialism,” “Standing up to Islamophobia,” “The myths of Zionism,” “How can Palestinian liberation be achieved?,” “The future of the Middle East revolutions,” “Imperialism and revolution in Libya, Syria, and beyond,” “Palestine and the Arab Spring Boycott, divestment, sanctions” and “The global struggle for Palestinian rights.”

That Greenwald was willing to address a gathering of some of the most revolutionary, anti-American elements in the country speaks volumes about his personal views.

So Glenn Greenwald, the man who leaked America’s vital national security secrets on a massive scale, may not be the objective, impartial journalist he portrays himself to be.

The International Socialists and their allies want to bring America to its knees.

Glenn Greenwald it seems, may well be in agreement with that agenda.

Hero or traitor?