By: Trevor Loudon
New Zeal

Though the Communist Party USA is way smaller than the Tea Party movement, they have the unions in their pocket and are focused and disciplined.

They fully intend to take back the House and hold the Senate for the Democrats in 2014.

Another huge priority for the communists is passage of immigration reform through the House.

Communists, immigration reform/May Day rally, Los Angeles, 2011

Communists, immigration reform/May Day rally, Los Angeles, 2011

The Party intends to target vulnerable Republicans to pressure them into voting for what is effectively amnesty and voting rights for illegal aliens.

From a Communist Party National Committee report July 1, 2013:

What is the best immediate contribution the Communist Party and YCL can make?

A Time for Unity in Action

Joelle Fishman, Chair Political Action Commission, Communist Party USA

On the front burner in Congress are immigration reform….Every battle is being fought out in the context of the 2014 elections.

The tea party depends on the 99% being divided. They attempt to create divisions between the labor movement, racially and nationally oppressed, women and youth. They depend on fear and confusion.

A strategic contribution of the Communist Party and YCL is showing why class solidarity and unity are essential to win victories, and helping bring people into action before the 2014 elections.

The decision by AFL CIO and SEIU to join with immigrant rights organizations and organize May Day marches opened an educational process and resulted in a new level of unity. It strengthened the pressure for passage in the Senate and for the ongoing struggle in Congress to enact comprehensive reform that includes legalization and a way to citizenship. That unity is even more necessary to maintain in order to challenge further militarization of the borderlands and to stop deportations.

The Immigration Task force of the Political Action Commission is preparing a list of vulnerable members of Congress who have taken anti-immigrant positions and may be subject to pressure based on the population in their district.

Why is the Communist Party so hell-bent on “immigration reform?”

Because they understand that Latinos vote a least 70% Democrat. That 12 million more Latino voters will turn the entire Southwest, including Texas, into an impregnable Democratic Party stronghold.

That will effectively turn the United States of America into a Democratic one-party state – for all time.

As the communists and socialists effectively control the Democratic party, it will be game over for liberty.

Every Tea Party group needs to be pressuring every wavering Republican in the House to ensure absolutely no amnesty for illegal aliens.

Even if you don’t know your own strength, the communists certainly do.

Without the Tea Party, immigration reform would have long been a done deal.

The Tea Party CAN AND MUST stop this treasonous deal going through.