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Support American Values…

I am asking our readers to donate what they can to today… As many of you know, we were recently attacked by the Heartbleed Malware. It did not get through and we withstood multiple aggressive attacks. Our site is routinely a target for those out there who don’t like what we have to say. Hackers continually try to get at our blog.

What saves us? Some of the best techs anywhere out there, multiple firewalls, great security and a dedicated server. All of which, cost us quite a bit each month. Well worth the cost to keep this site up and putting out the news.

We spend many, many hours posting here and putting out social media to get the word out to Americans the news that others try to suppress. We believe in the Constitution and our freedoms and we battle for those freedoms every hour of every day.

Please give if you can. We can use every penny donated to further our fight for all of you.

We are blessed and love what we do between research, writing and helping to expose those who are on the wrong side – the enemies within and without. Thanks for all, each of you do!

There is no limit to what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets the credit. — Ronald Reagan

Warm Regards,

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton