On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, The Republicans had an opportunity Saturday night to stand up and vote against this Cromnibus bill, which funds Obamacare, amnesty and President Obama’s radical agenda, and they didn’t. Mark says he is one inch away from leaving the Republican Party if this keeps up and there are thousands of people who feel the same. The Constitution is in tatters and the Republican Party doesn’t even realize they’ve ceded their power to Obama. Congress goes on about an imperial president yet do nothing about it. John Boehner and Mitch McConnell should resign but their egos won’t let them. Instead, they’re cutting deals with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors, pushing their agenda to the Republican establishment in Congress, and anyone that speaks out against it like Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are attacked for not going along with the party. We are sick of voting for corrupt crony Republicans who won’t do what we voted for and continue to violate their oath of office and trample the constitution. Senators Mark Lee and Ted Cruz call in and speak with Mark to talk about the gridlock in Washington. They have to fight tooth and nail to vote on anything, while bills are negotiated behind closed doors rather than on the Senate floor.

Ted Cruz: They want to come after me? Knock yourself out

Mike Lee: We are not to blame for Harry Reid pushing through nominees