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Abortion violates our Constitutional Right to Life! Help us to speak for those who have no voice!

There have been successful crowdfunding campaigns to make films glorifying abortion. Our campaign needs help and support to make a film glorifying life. We will show how the baby does have a “Right to Life” as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. Please join us with a donation to help make this courtroom drama which offers truth, hope, mercy and healing!

Film Synopsis

“The Order of Rights” is a Pro-Life film that is in pre-production. The story centers around Emma Stein, a pregnant single girl who has been advised by her mother to have an abortion. Despite the objection of the child’s father, Ethan Carpenter, and his promise to help her, she decides to go ahead with the procedure. When Ethan and his family file a lawsuit on behalf of the child’s right to life, the drama escalates as Emma’s mother, Kerri, contacts a friend in the Associated Press. Before long, the case is mired in media frenzy.

The court has to decide whether the child in Emma’s womb is a person or not, and if so, if it is endowed with the unalienable rights as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence. The title, “The Order of Rights” refers to the order in which the categories of rights are deliberately listed in the document: Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

The film is also a conversion story of a young woman who was brought up in a secular/humanistic household. The script does not portray the family as evil however. In fact, they are decent people who believe strongly in human rights according to their code. The film, in a sense, treats them with respect. It honors them in the same way that Paul honored the men of Athens in the book of Acts 17:16-34. The purpose is not to vilify but to respectfully confront the ignorance of truth.

The young man in the story was raised in a Christian household, has been a scholar/athlete, and has always been a model of Christian virtue. He has to come to grips with his own frailty and pride, as he struggles to accept the forgiveness of Christ, and just as importantly, to forgive himself- and to move forward despite his fall.

The end has a twist, as it takes what appears to be utter defeat and failure, and transforms it into much deeper victory of personal conversion.