By: Renee Nal | New Zeal

Donald Trump Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Donald Trump Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg via Getty Images

While Donald J. Trump is inexplicably but widely known as the anti-establishment candidate, his previous alliances scream otherwise. In fact, Trump has acknowledged on several occasions – perhaps anticipating forthcoming criticism – that he “was establishment.”

“Hey, don’t forget… I was establishment six months ago… I was pure establishment.” Donald Trump on Fox & Friends, December 12, 2015

Watch at around the 9:23 minute mark:

“You know, the top people, senators, and all these people, a lot of them don’t know me. A lot of them do because, as you know, I’ve been in politics for a long time…I used to be establishment. You know, I’d write big checks all the time, right? I was establishment. When I did this [run for president], I was sort of very anti-establishment.” – Donald Trump on Sean Hannity, February 29

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