By: T F Stern | Self-Educated American

This morning while catching up on the latest news items via the internet my vision began playing tricks with me.  I found it difficult to focus on the printed words and recognized the onset of a migraine headache, more specifically, an ocular migraine manifestation.  The first time this happened several years ago it scared the bejebbers out of me, thinking it was some kind of stroke and that I’d wreck my truck before I could get off the freeway.

There are many variations in the way ocular migraines present themselves.  Each individual seems to have a different yet similar way of expressing what happens; but it only lasts a few minutes before normal vision returns, at least that’s been my experience.  It did give me a tremendous headache that took most of the morning to get rid of.

Then this afternoon while enjoying the Oldies internet radio station via the magic of a Smart TV and DVD player…I’m rambling, aren’t I?   Where was I…  sitting on the sofa with Leslie Gore singing in the background, I happened to look at the cabinet door which is part of the entertainment center.

Was it part of the original ocular migraine or were my eyes playing tricks and my imagination had kicked into another gear?   I thought I saw the image of Lord Voldemort, or as any true Harry Potter fan would remind me, “He who must not be named”.

The nice part of living in the digital age is that there’s always a camera within arm’s reach, it being part of the magic included in your cell phone.  I snapped a picture of what was embedded within the natural pattern of wood; no doubt about it, that’s Voldemort.

You can laugh all you want; but it looks as much like Harry Potter’s arch enemy as any image of Christ ever spotted on a piece of toast that’s made tabloid history.  This isn’t the first time I’ve captured an incredible or unbelievable image either; there’s the Tomato Fairy that got caught tending to my garden several years ago, that’s proof of sorts.

Having a headache and a great imagination made for an interesting day.  Now if only I could get rid of that tapping, as of some one gently rapping…   Gonna’ have to lay off reading Edgar Allan Poe until this headache goes away completely.

“…While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door—

“ ’Tis some visiter,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Only this and nothing more.”