Michigan is evidence that Islamic immigration leads to more than unassimilated communities – it leads to the normalization of Sharia-proscribed behavior that is criminal like FGM and honor killing.

The entire country can learn a lesson – Michigan Audio Report.

How can local law enforcement avoid the pitfalls of pursuing those lawfully practicing Islam, while aggressively prosecuting those Shariah-adherents engaged in criminal activity like no-fault rape and deadly terrorist attacks?

Law-abiding citizens are now beginning to realize that local law enforcement desperately need to acquire previously-unavailable Sharia training. That is why communities are partnering with Sharia Crime Stoppers in their mission to provide under-the-radar certified Sharia training directly to local law enforcement, thereby preparing them to better protect themselves and the citizens they have sworn to safeguard.

Sharia Crime Stoppers Video

Sharia Crime Stoppers can be contacted at [email protected] for more information on under-the-radar certified law enforcement training provided at no cost except for travel expenses.