By: Trevor Loudon | New Zeal

Democratic Socialists of America’s “Healthcare Policy Expert” Timothy Faust

The movement for “single payer” or government run healthcare has nothing to do with your health. It’s all about stealth revolution, socialism and control.

“Medicare for ALL” is a euphemism for “Single Payer.”

Listen to “single payer” campaigner and according to DSA, “healthcare policy expert” Timothy Faust lay it on the line.

Democratic Socialists of America gave you the “Obamacare” disaster and now they’re pushing for complete government control of your healthcare.

PLEASE SEE OUR CATEGORY ON KEYWIKI: DSA-Affiliated Candidates and Elected Officials

Check out this unused clip from my movie The Enemies Within, exposing how DSA Marxists worked with Barack Obama to deliberately screw up America’s healthcare system to the point where “single payer” would become the only option left.

Watch HERE:

Tell DSA how you feel about “creeping socialism.”

Yet another “Twitter verified” Marxist.

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