By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

This came across my desk today and I can honestly say I’m not surprised. Obama has many Muslim ties and I have always suspected he is a Muslim himself. Okay to lie to the infidels you know, it’s only taqiya…

Read about it here: Obama bows down to Saudi King (updated). Our Presidents and leaders do not bow to any other leader – it is a sign of subserviance and submission. We fought and won a revolutionary war so we would not have to bow down to a King. Notice Obama doesn’t do this with any other leader – just the King of Saudi Arabia.

G-20 Summit: Family Photo

Can you imagine the outrage if that had been President Bush? Incredible… Explains many of his cabinet choices and his visits primarily to Islamic countries. This is degrading and insulting to Americans – submission to our enemies… Here are some other posts on the subject:

Bookworm Room: Creepily symbolic picture of the day

The Anchoress: Did Obama check his bow to Abdullah? – UPDATES!

Hot Air: Video: No, Obama wasn’t cleaning the floor when greeting Abdullah

The Radio Patriot: A Sickening Spectacle (one commenter said: Submission Accomplished – how true)

Atlas Shrugged: SUBMISSION: Obama Bows and Kisses the ……. of Saudi King

The Jawa Report: An Even Better Caption Contest: Obama _______ Saudi King