By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Today, Governor Doyle of Wisconsin signed a bill into law that forces schools to teach the glories of organized labor and collective bargaining. I’m sure the fact that he has received tremendous financial donations from said unions has absolutely nothing to do with this bill. Right…

Governor Doyle, do you remember the Social Democratic Labour Party? You know, Communism and Marxism? Well, they did exactly what you are doing. They adjusted history and ensured that students were forced into learning about unions and labor. As well as other ‘approved’ doctrine.

I grew up in a union family. The union was good to my father and to us, but we were fully aware there was a very dark side to the unions. Later, our whole family divested themselves of the unions and for the most part, the Democratic Party as well. We could no longer stomach the corruption and violence that surrounded the unions. We used to joke that it would be safer to join the Mafia than a union. Guess we were right…

Witness the beat-downs by SEIU of teaparty attendees. The threats to corporations if they don’t play along with the unions and the government. ACORN and their related tentacles show their true colors constantly by breaking the law and tossing morality out the window. But never fear, our politicians can be bought by anyone with enough money and the unions are buying what they are selling.

Now our children are being forced to learn about organized labor. This is a gross and systemic indoctrination of the worst sort. Doyle should be removed from office immediately for doing this. Frankly, the teachers’ union, which is one of the largest in the nation, has done a supremely crappy job of staffing our schools and educating our children. The only thing they have done right is push their political and social agendas and line their pockets.

Michelle Obama said that they would rewrite our history as a nation. Well, they are certainly trying, just as the teachers’ union tried to rewrite history after 9/11 in our textbooks.

There’s nothing glorious about organized labor. It is a brutal, political machine and Chicago is the ideal breeding ground for these types of groups. As long as the government and unions are allowed to be in bed together, they will continue to force an indoctrinated curriculum on our children that praises organized labor, big government and our leaders while demonizing God, morality and the family unit.

Stand up Wisconsin – Doyle needs to go… Ya know what I mean?

Glenn Beck – Rewriting Our History, Changing Our Traditions