Hat Tip: Jean Stoner
From: The National Review Online

We Have To Pass This Bill To Make Sure Republicans Don’t Get Elected

I can’t believe this passed and that the NRA was backing it because they got a carve-out… This will effectively destroy the 1st amendment at least until after the elections (when the supreme court will assuredly overturn it as unconstitutional). This has the potential to quiet the voices in the blogosphere including mine. Shame on the NRA and I weep for my country… You can’t sacrifice the 1st amendment for the second and survive. The Constitution is a package deal folks – not an a la carte buffet.

The House just passed the DISCLOSE Act, by a vote of 219-206. I pray it will fail in the Senate, but that is highly unlikely.


Congressman Sensenbrenner spoke on the House floor on June 24 against the Disclose Act. He said this Act is unconstitutional, as it desires to treat unions and corporations differently by abandoning the government’s long standing policy that treats them equally.