By: AJ

H.R. 3534 passed the House and is now headed for the Senate. This bill places our land, oceans and coastlines under UN control and it taxes Americans in order to redistribute our wealth to other countries.

Among the usual suspects… here are a few of the Progressive/Socialist Democrats who sold us out:

All 209 members of Congress who voted for this legislation need to be voted OUT. Those who voted to pass this bill can be found here. Two of the 209 are Republicans:


Progressives have been trying to sell us out for decades. In 1982, the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) was rejected by President Reagan and then resurrected by President Clinton. Fortunately for America, President Clinton was unsuccessful in obtaining ratification of this treaty.

Now our Progressive-majority legislature is at it again and they seek to end the sovereignty of our nation through H.R. 3534.

H.R. 3534, the “Consolidated Land, Energy and Aquatic Resources Act of 2009,” will now move to the Senate for a vote.

Please contact all Senators to demand that they VOTE NO on this traitorous legislation.