Renee Ellmers is the conservative constitutionalist seeking election in North Carolina.

Bob (Who are you?) Etheridge is her opponent. He is now demanding a recount even though Renee beat him fair and square at the polls.

This will now be an expensive, tedious fight. Please contribute to Renee and help her fight another Progressive/Marxist elitist Democrat who needs to let the electoral door hit him in the ass once and for all.

A call to all patriots is going across the blogosphere to ask for money to win this fight. They will need all the help they can get as the other side is well-funded to say the least.

We want all the votes counted accurately and properly and need to make sure that is what happens. We need to ensure this is a fair election, not another Al Franken nightmare.

Contribute here:

Don’t forget who this arrogant asshat is:


Kim Priestap – Renee Ellmers needs your help!
Michelle Malkin
Caleb Howe at Red State
William Teach at Right Wing News
Sister Toldjah
Freedom Fighter at JoshuaPundit
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air
Whitney Pitcher at Conservatives4Palin
Scott at Power Line
Frank J at IMAO
Robert Stacy McCain
Paul Chesser at AmSpecBlog
Dave C at The Daily Gator
Bookworm Room
Brutally Honest
Gateway Pundit


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Rush Limbaugh
Tammy Bruce