By: Dave Logan

There are two kinds of soldiers at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas — the ones with no rank or pay, and those with keys.”

LTC Terry Lakin is in the former group. So, to the government, I suppose he’s now just Terry Lakin. Or worse, a number. Recently, LTC Lakin was sentenced to six months at Leavenworth for questioning an order to deploy overseas. That question was based on his fears that Obama was ineligible to hold the office of president. As a commissioned officer, Lakin’s duty is to carry-out only those orders that are legal, and to question those he thinks might be otherwise.

For doing his duty, Lakin lost his career as an army officer and physician, lost all benefits, lost all retirement, lost his freedom and for the time, lost his wife, children and extended family. But he did get a cell.

Cmdr Charles Kerchner was in the courtroom the day LTC Lakin was sentenced. After the verdict, Lakin invited Kerchner to the Lakin family home for dinner. That evening was Lakin’s last day of freedom before entering Leavenworth to begin serving out his sentence.

Cmdr Kerchner also fought long and hard with his own lawsuit in an attempt to get Obama, or a court, to settle the eligibility issue once and for all. He spent a fortune doing so, only to be rebuffed by SCOTUS without comment. Cmdr Kerchner has since directed his attention and support to LTC Lakin.

What Cmdr Kerchner witnessed during Lakin’s days in court was nothing short of a judicial lynching. It’s difficult to believe what took place in that courtroom… and you can read about it at The Radio Patriot, but I encourage you to tune to Andrea’s show this evening at 9 PM ET and hear it in Cmdr Kerchner’s own words.

You will be stunned. You will be discouraged. You will be ashamed. And after that, you will feel fear setting in.