By: Trevor Loudon
New Zeal

Every Western country has its “5th Columnists” – including mine.

From Cuba’s Prensa Latina:

Wellington, Apr. 15 New Zealanders and Latin Americans on Friday honored the heroes and martyrs of Playa Giron (the Bay of Pigs), and celebrated the historic victory of the Cuban people against that invasion organized, armed and financed by the United States 50 years ago.

Those attending the activity included Green Party MP Keith Locke; the secretary general of the Maritime Union, Joe Fleetwood; members of the Cuba Friendship Society in New Zealand; Cuban Ambassador Jose Luis Robaina, and Latin American diplomats.

Speakers referred to the heroism and determination shown by the Cuban people during the invasion.

The victory in Bay of Pigs has a historical relevance because it represented the first major defeat of the U.S. imperialism in Latin America, Locke said.