By: Ann Barnhardt

Okay, okay. Yeah, I can be a little slow at the switch sometimes, but NOW I think I get it. MF Global. The CME. The big banks. The Fed. The Federal regulatory bodies. Okay. It’s all tied together. Behold the endgame, courtesy of Reuters:

“Clearing houses: the next casualty of the crisis?”

Last two sentences:

Ultimately what began as regulatory push to force transparency in over the counter markets may end up being a more fundamental reform of the clearing house sector itself.

“In an ideal world there would be a single global, not for profit, CCP backed by all central banks,” said Orchard.

Sorry. I wasn’t thinking on a large enough scale. I tend not to – I’m a micro economist and small business owner with no aspirations (past, present or future) to ginormousness. I don’t think in these terms – but there it is.

The point of MF Global and all of the subsequent activity, which looked positively suicidal, was to bring ALL FINANCIAL MARKETS on the planet under the control of a single clearing EXCHANGE owned by the a single global banking entity comprised of the central banks, i.e. the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.

And who populates, owns and runs the central banks? The big banks. Goldman. JPM. UBS. I thought the banksters only wanted to take over the FCMs and brokerage houses. It didn’t occur to me that they not only wanted to be the only game in town for execution and clearing, but they also want to be the EXCHANGE ITSELF. They want to run, own and control absolutely EVERYTHING.

Just theorizing here now, but it seems to me that the best way to bring such a scheme to fruition would be to plant one of your boys in a major FCM, have him raid the customer seg funds, go out of your way (change rules and laws on the fly, abolish all precedents, file fraudulent BKs) to make sure the customers hang and are profoundly damaged, then use the contrived “crisis” to gin up a call for massive centralization.

This is what these rat-bastards do. They create crises and then before it is all over, they have the sheeple BEGGING THE OLIGARCHS to take over and enslave them in the name of “rescue”, “protection”, “security” and “salvation”. Am I the only person who has ever read the history of the Soviet Union?

No wonder Corzine is brazenly shopping for office space in Lower Manhattan. This mess isn’t wrapping up – they’re just getting started. Corzine was first to bat and got on base just as he was supposed to. We’re still at the top of the inning with a man on base and no outs. Oh, and the umps are all on the take and the strike zone is about the size of a saucer.


On a similar note, here is a URL for a Wall Street Journal piece titled, “MF Global Probe Focuses on Back Office”.

In one of the first interviews I did on MF Global – maybe Andrea Shea King on 11/21/2011? – I was asked if it was possible that a low-level staffer was responsible for any of this. I said at that time that NO, this was NOT the doing of some $40k per year treasury clerk in Chicago, but that I suspected that eventually Corzine et al would attempt to pin this on some poor back office grunt.

It looks like that process is starting. And this is EXACTLY how Marxist-Fascist oligarchs operate. They view the working grunts in society as nothing more than economic units with one purpose and one purpose only. They use the lower class and the lower-middle class (the proletariat) in order to achieve power. They gin up class warfare and government dependency among these people. But they really DESPISE them. They claim to be their champion, but as soon as the proletariat is no longer needed, they are liquidated and exterminated like the vermin that the oligarchs consider them to be.

Here is what they are going to eventually try to do. They are going to find the person who actually, physically keypunched the wire transfers from the customer seg funds to the proprietary trading accounts at JP Morgan.

Let me describe that person to you. That person is probably something like a single mother with a high school diploma or GED who rides the Orange Line into the Loop every morning from the Southside. Her entire job is to sit at a desk in a cubicle with a computer terminal which logs in to the Fed wire transfer system. She is handed pieces of paper or emails all day that are set up in a template that request wire transfers. The template contains the source MF Global account number and the wiring instructions of the destination and the dollar amount. She has absolutely no fathom which accounts are which. She is just a data-entry clerk. Her job is menial and repetitive, but she is happy to have it because it is steady, relatively secure (or so she thought) and has health insurance benefits for her kids. Needless to say, this person has ZERO motive to carry out one of the largest financial crimes in history. None. This person doesn’t even understand WHAT all of these accounts trade or why they exist at all. All this person understands is how to do their very specific job, which is to send wire transfers. To the contrary, this person is probably keen to keep their job in the midst of this economic depression and not make any clerical mistakes, and enter the data into their terminal quickly and accurately.

In that last week of October, this menial back office wire clerk was handed or emailed wire transfer requests that looked exactly like all of the other transfer requests she had handled that day and every other day. She entered the account numbers and the money was sent out of the customer seg accounts to JP Morgan – and we know it was JPM and that JPM knew exactly what was going on because they specifically sent a letter to MFG requesting confirmation that the source accounts were NOT customer seg funds. Uh, talk about the most obvious CYA maneuver in the history of the world. Give me a break.

These Marxist-Fascist jackals are probably now planning, as we speak, to frame and send up the river some poor, innocent back office person. And that is the real point I want to drive home. These people are psychopaths and view other human beings as utterly disposable pawns in their game. Think about that. Think about Corzine and the rest sitting around a table with a bunch of attorneys calmly discussing sending an innocent person or people to prison as scapegoats for their crimes. Think about the strategy of repeatedly stating that “Tonya Jefferson” (or whoever) is the person who physically sent the wires, and thus is responsible. Think of how black and evil a heart a person would have to have to do such a thing.

Watch this carefully. IF this plays out and they try to destroy and imprison a back office staffer or staffers who OBVIOUSLY had no material part in this . . . well, let’s just say that wars have been fought over less. MUCH less.