Happy Thanksgiving everyone! It is a sitcom around here today and I cannot even begin to describe it. Great food and comedy galore. 😉

Think this:

While imagining this:

And you begin to understand grasshopper.

Seriously though, we are thankful for so many things, not the least of which are the last elections and the coming one in 2016. We can’t wait for that one, trust me. Check out this fantastic Thanksgiving NFL Ad that Warns of a Rogue President:

2-Minute Thanksgiving NFL Ad Warns of Rogue President

And what would the Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Parade be without protesters:

Multiple arrests at Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade after protesters target route

So, on that note… enjoy the festivities and gobble, gobble! Regardless of politics, we are having fun here and lots of food. Hope all of you do too.