America’s Survival

Dear Friend of America’s Survival, Inc.:

Republicans like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk “compromise,” while Obama is on the attack. He has threatened to veto the Keystone XL bill backed by 63 Senators. At the same time, the White House is threatening to veto an Obamacare reform bill defining the full-time work week as 40 hours. As the Daily Caller noted, “That would decrease the number of workers caught by Obamacare’s employer mandate, which the administration is just beginning to implement this year.” Meanwhile, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee had scheduled a hearing on the Keystone bill for Wednesday morning, and a markup of the bill for Thursday morning. But Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) objected to the hearing and postponed it. All of a sudden, obstruction is a good thing – when Democrats do it.

Do the Republicans understand who they’re dealing with? Do they understand Obama is a Marxist who can’t be reasoned with?

Our guest on America’s Survival TV tonight is Alexander G. Markovsky, a Russian émigré who holds degrees in economics and political science from the University of Marxism-Leninism and an MS in structural engineering from Moscow University. He now lives in Houston, Texas, and is a contributor to, and his essays have appeared on, WorldNetDaily and Family Security Matters. His recent article “From Lenin to Obama,” argues that Obama is acting like Lenin who declared, “Our task, is to utilize every manifestation of discontent, and to collect and utilize every grain of rudimentary protest.” Markovsky is the author of “Anatomy of a Bolshevik” and his forthcoming book is titled “Liberal Bolshevism,” with the subtitle, “America Did not Defeat Bolshevism, She Adopted It.”

Watch on Roku tonight at 9:00 pm Eastern or click here to watch over the Internet at that time.

For America’s Survival,
Cliff Kincaid, President