By: Ian McMurtrie

Re: Charlottesville, VA.

Neo-Nazis/Skinheads/etc are a bunch of Socialist ass-monkeys who should have the common decency to go suck-start a shotgun somewhere private, rather than blame their shortcomings on others.

Anti-Fa/BLM/etc are a bunch of Fascist/Communist ass-monkeys who have been rampaging like a pack of violent honyocks since *at least* Inauguration Day, if not earlier; and ditto on the shotgun-starting.

Both “sides” showed up looking for a fight and found one.

I feel for the average person caught up in this epic swarm of dick-dancing, and I hope there is no collateral damage on those who just want to live peacefully in their homes.

Given my druthers, I’d recommend that the local po-po grab up their riot batons, wade into the protest, and attempt manfully to beat the stupid out of every protestor they can reach until the survivors figure out that this sort of bushwa is BLOODY UNACCEPTABLE.

And, no, there are no “counter-protestors”. Every stinking person out there — Neo-Nazi, Neo-Confederate, Anti-Fa, Black Lives Matter, Communist Party — is a protestor, and every one needs to be beaten unconscious with a rubber hose or stick, dragged to the city limits, and dumped along side the road for the trash they are.

And that will be the last said on this matter.

For those of you who have decided to demand something of me via PM, email, or blog: The above is all you get. If the above is not suitable —