By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

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Writer and author Linda Goudsmit was kind enough to send me a copy of her new book, “The Collapsing American Family – From Bonding to Bondage.” She is a fantastic author and I enjoy her writing immensely so I made time to read her latest and was glad that I did.

It has always been evident that communists and those who are basically just evil have targeted the traditional American family unit because it holds our nation together. Tear it asunder and we are much easier to control.

As progressives and leftist entities such as Disney push teaching children of all ages gender fluidity and sexual perversion in a blatant attempt to groom them for a Maoist agenda, Goudsmit’s book is a clarion call warning parents to be alert to the propaganda being forced on their children and to do whatever it takes to ensure they are not exposed to this attempt to corrupt them and separate them from their families.

Linda is a devoted wife and mother of four. She also has four grandchildren. Nothing is more important to her than family and it propelled her to speak out against the enemies of freedom and family that are attempting a coup in our schools, culture, and society.

The collapse of the American family is a must for the left as they attempt to implement the Great Reset and to further transhumanism. And all of it is being done under the guise of being for our own good, where we will own nothing and be happy as serfs under the coming overlords from the left. This is fascism and it has arrived in America.

Goudsmit astutely sums up the dire straits we find ourselves in as patriots and parents, “Space is no longer the final frontier – reality is.”

From Amazon:

The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage exposes the sinister attack on the nuclear family as the primary strategy in globalism’s asymmetric warfare on America. The family must be destroyed in order to collapse America from within and impose the Great Reset of technocracy and transhumanism. The “New Normal” replaces family bonding with feudal bondage in the global Managerial State where you will own nothing and be happy. Globalism’s war on America is psychological warfare, an information war fought without bullets. Linda’s closing line warns the nation: “Space is no longer the final frontier-reality is.”

In the 1995 manuscript for her book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? Linda Goudsmit wrote these prescient words: ‘It is not a race war, an economic war, or a war between states. It is a psychological battle between states of mind that will determine who has the power in our society, who is in control.’ In that book, published in 2011, she explained with clarity and precision how America was headed for an epic battle between the advocates of freedom and the believers in lifelong dependency. In her new book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage, Goudsmit exposes the targeted attacks on the nuclear and national American family designed to collapse America from within. She reveals the psychological mechanisms employed to frighten and manipulate the public; the role of the collaborating mainstream media; the corruption of politicians; and the billions of dollars spent by predatory globalists to finance their sinister scheme for totalitarian planetary governance. If you want to understand the orchestration of every anti-American, anti-family phenomenon that has menaced the nation since the 21st century began, this one-in-a-million treasure of a book explains it.

Buy Linda’s book and read it. Take it to heart as our nation faces tough times ahead due to the Great Reset and the evil that the leftist elitists are attempting to impose on all of us.

Food shortages, massive inflation, censorship, want, supply chain destruction, energy shortages, digital currency, imprisonment, and a totalitarian state most could never have imagined would occur on American soil are upon us. All of it is barreling at us at top speed and we now have little time left to prepare for times that I fear will make the Great Depression look like a Sunday outing.

You can purchase Linda’s book all over the place, but I recommend Amazon. Get a copy and give a copy because nothing is more important than our families and our freedoms.

You can also read more of Linda’s writings here: Linda Goudsmit | pundicity