By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

In a revival of the 60’s hippie movement, young Marxists in California are taking to the streets. Especially, the privileged offspring in Berkeley. Berkeley gets my vote for one the looniest, most radical places in the US.

And their numbers seem to be growing in direct proportion to the violence they bring with their cause. As Americans are out of work longer and longer, as they begin to know hunger and as they find themselves with nothing more to lose, many more will mistakenly join a suicidal 60’s time machine, replete with blood and death, minus the bitchin’ music.

Now comes the hate, the racism, the radical violent group think spurred on by Marxists/Communists who will use the chaos to foment revolt and civil war. The Cloward and Piven ‘shove’ that will rock the US and bring her to her knees. All with the help of our elites and the government of course.

Zombie has a photo essay up depicting the mood and agenda over at Occupy Berkeley. This could easily turn a dark corner and become much worse. And soon… If not now, definitely next Spring and Summer, there will be a hot time in the old Republic as the ultimate confrontation between freedom and Marxism squares off. Will you be ready? What side will you stand on? Better make sure of who you are and where you stand – time is short. View and read all of Zombie’s post – it is riveting.

Lest you doubt what they really think of us, behold their anthem. The fighting will soon be at hand.

The Blaze:

Our canvas is freedom
Your blood is our paint […]
Like a pig you consumed
And like a pig you will roast […]
And what you won’t share
Will be ripped from your hands
Your body destroyed
The way fire lands
Burning your homes
The privilege you snake
The payback beyond
Anything you could take
Naked you’ll be
And full of regret
And the way they were treated
You’ll long to forget