Gulag Bound
By: Mark Musser

Believe it or not, but the EPA is currently being sued right now for treating more than 40 human beings like guinea pigs. The experiment itself was even more shocking. They piped in diesel fumes mixed with some air directly into the lungs of people from a running truck into a gas chamber.

From where does EPA get such authority to conduct such fascist experiments?

October 6, 2012

An Eco-Fascist Gassing Experiment with Diesel Fumes at the EPA

By Mark Musser

It has been recently revealed that the EPA has far surpassed the dark humor of blowing up kids and people on film that global warming scare-mongers promoted a few years back. In real life, the EPA has been conducting human experiments on people by piping diesel fumes from a running truck mixed with air into their lungs at a North Carolina university. The agency has ginned up yet another green crusade — the lethal dangers of diesel fumes. They even had a gas chamber set up to accommodate the environmental research project that shockingly recalls the death camps in Poland.

Not surprisingly, the EPA is now in the process of being sued for conducting dangerous experiments on human guinea pigs. The courts will decide whether or not serious laws and practices were violated, including the international Nuremberg Code that was set up after sixteen Nazi doctors were executed for medical terrorism. After the…


That is a good question that I cannot answer, but I do know that they are out of control, and have been for a long time.