By: Trevor Loudon
New Zeal
What do Jackson Mississippi’s radical new Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, former Obama “Green Jobs Czar” Van Jones and former Barack Obama pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright have in common?
All of them are veterans of the Communist instigated Black Radical Congress.
The U.S. black Left is small, ultra-militant and both fractious and incestuous.
In March of 1997, some 70 activists from more than twenty cities across the country came together in Chicago to begin planning for a Black Radical Congress. Participants came as individuals, but represented connections to groups ranging from New Afrikan People’s Organization, Black Workers for Justice, The Labor Party, The Communist Party USA, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, African American Agenda 2000, the Chicago Ida B. Wells Forum, Democratic Socialists of America and the Communist Party splinter Committees of Correspondence.
This group agreed to host a Black Radical Congress and constituted itself as the continuations committee… Three subsequent national meetings of the continuations committee were held in Washington, D.C. in May of 1997, in Atlanta in September of 1997 and in New York City in January of 1998. A “Call for the Congress” was drafted and issued with the names of over 100 conveners.
The BRC organizers issued a call to support their project:
Sisters and Brothers, we stand at the edge of a new century. The moment for a new militancy and a new commitment to the liberation of all Black people, at home and abroad, has arrived. Let us build a national campaign toward the Black Radical Congress, setting in motion a renewed struggle to reclaim our historic role as the real voice of democracy in this country. Spread the word: Without struggle, there is no progress! Now’s the time!
The New Afrikan People’s Organization was connected to Chokwe Lumumba’s Republic of New Afrika. He was also a leader and founder of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, so it was no surprise to see comrade Lumumba on the speaking roster – in a workshop called “Organizing the South.”
Speaking alongside Lumumba were Ashaki Binta of North Carolina’s Black Workers for Justice and Ajamu Dillahunt of the same organization and the Maoist leaning Freedom Road Socialist Organization.
Van Jones was of course also there. At the time a leader of a Maoist sect called STORM in San Francisco, Jones participated in a workshop entitled: “Sustaining Community Groups and Institutions.”
Another participant was Illinois activist Judy Hatcher, a former member of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Committee in Solidarity with Southern Africa, alongside two Marxist Barack Obama mentors, Timuel Black and Alice Palmer.
Both veteran Chicago activists, Black was a member of both Democratic Socialists of America and Committees of Correspondence, while Palmer was an official of the Communist Party controlled U.S. Peace Council and the bona fide Soviet front International Organization of Journalists.
Rev. Wright was there as well, revealing his Marxist take on Christianity for all to see.
Jeremiah wright’s workshop was, “Faith as a Weapon: Spirituality and the Role of the Church In The Radical Movement.”
What are the lessons we can learn from Nat Turner, Absalom Jones, Sojourner Truth, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. and other Black ministers as leaders in the struggle? What is the history of spiritual motivation in the radical/liberation movement?
Panelists included Michael Eric Dyson, Cornel West of Democratic Socialists of America and Kevin Tyson, a former Communist Party member and parishioner of Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ.
Cornel West would go on to to become a member of Obama’s 2008 Black Advisory Council, while Dyson would later become a strong public defendant of the Obama/Wright relationship.
Like Barack Obama, Chokwe Lumumba came out of the Black Marxist movement.
Like that of Obama, Lumumba’s rise to power is no accident.
It’s another milestone on the way to a socialist America.