By: Trevor Loudon | New Zeal
A seasoned Communist Party USA activist has been lending her revolutionary expertise to the often violent “peaceful protesters” seeking to permanently shut down the nearly completed and highly strategic Dakota Access Pipeline.
Communists from all over the world have converged on the DAP site, near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, over the last several months to support tribal people from several states as they seek to further weaken an already struggling US economy.
Judith LeBlanc, Massachusetts raised, but a member of the Caddo tribe from Oklahoma, has been working with the protesters from the very beginning. This has been through her leadership role in the militant dominated Native Organizers Alliance.
The Native Organizers Alliance has been supporting tribal leaders as they develop strategies to counter the powerful economic elites behind the Dakota Access Pipeline…
Judith LeBlanc, director of the Native Organizers Alliance, has been working to support native leaders as they develop strategies to continue to challenge these powerful forces. In mid-September she helped lead a four-day training at Standing Rock with tribal officials, native-led non-profits, and local community and political leaders on power mapping, strategic campaign planning, and direct action.
Says LeBlanc:
For me, it’s a blessing in a moment like today to be the director of a national network of native groups, leaders, and organizers who are supporting grassroots native community organizing, the Native Organizers Alliance. As my Mom always said, “It is not enough to be right.” If you believe you are right, then get organized.
Earlier this month, Judith LeBlanc and three other “native women leaders”: Eryn Wise of the International Indigenous Youth Council, LaDonna Brave Bull Allard (Standing Rock Sioux Tribe) and member of the 2016 Democratic Platform Committee Deborah Parker (Tulalip Tribes) staged a sit-in at the headquarters of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, then led the crowd of about 1,000 people down the streets of Washington, even passing by the newly opened Trump Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
LeBlanc has been a Communist Party USA leader since the 1970s. She has held several leadership positions in the party and has worked in leadership positions in the peace movement.
She has also spoken several times before the United Nations, mainly in support of the Palestinian cause, which she has championed for several decades.
The Dakota Access Pipeline protesters are being guided by serious communists and terrorist sympathizers.
Labor for Palestine, another communist controlled group, has been active in the North Dakota protests.
When the protesters turn to violence or sabotage, as they almost certainly will, there is a fair chance that the inspiration will come through the Palestinian connection.
Law enforcement needs to get on top of this situation quickly before someone is killed, or a serious act of sabotage or terrorism is committed.
Trevor Loudon is the producer of a new documentary exposing Marxists and Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers in the US government: The Enemies Within.
Watch the trailer here:
To order this important documentary, please go here.