The United West

The following are pictures and endorsements for voters of Michigan to understand a candidate and his campaign.  An educated voter is a must in any election, but even more so in 2018!

As one correspondent with the Middle East Forum put it, both the Brotherhood and militant jihadists will “shout Allahu Akbar and bomb Israel, support jihad, and support the violation of the rights of women and non-Muslims. One will do it openly and loudly while wearing his primitive Islamic dress and his untidy beard, but the other will be a PhD holder from Oxford University or the Sorbonne, and he will do it cunningly and secretly while wearing his German or French suit and a tidy beard, from an air-conditioned office, all the while making deals with the Americans.”   . (Counter Jihad Report, August 11, 2017)

So the ideal Brotherhood politician would be someone who secretly harbors radical Islamic convictions, but looks, acts, and talks like a mainstream, major-party candidate. This candidate would not hide his Muslim identity, but instead would leverage it for political advantage, making Islam sound moderate and appealing to values like multiculturalism. (Counter Jihad Report, August 11, 2017)

Could Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed be giving the ISIS one-fingered salute?  Carefully look at the hand formation, then you decide.


  • Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed has substantial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood in both his past and present. So the suspicion that El-Sayed may harbor Islamist convictions and be a Trojan horse are not unfounded, especially given the reality of what some have dubbed a “stealth jihad.” (Jihad Watch, August 10, 2017)
  • El-Sayed is chummy with Linda Sarsour, the hijab-wearing Women’s March organizer who is a vocal proponent of jihad and sharia law (and who has enthusiastically endorsed his candidacy).   (PJ Media, Sept 5, 2017)
  • At the University of Michigan, El-Sayed was vice-president of the Muslim Student Association, an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood. (PJ Media, Sept 5, 2017)
  • The wife’s father is a former president and current board member of the Michigan chapter of the terrorist-linkedCouncil on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  (PJ Media, Sept 5, 2017)
  • In 2012, when he was in med school, El-Sayed received a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship. Paul, George Soros’s brother.  Some sources maintain that the Soros empire is funding El-Sayed’s campaign and grooming him to eventually become president.  (PJ Media, Sept 5, 2017)

Abdul’s Family:
Father: Egyptian immigrant who remarried to a now converted white, rural Protestant mother. (The Guardian, Aug 24, 2017)

Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed,  posted this to his Facebook Page.  Highlights noted how proud he was of his father’s accomplishments.

What could some of those comments be stating?

  • What is meant by “students of color” and why is that important? Why does that distinction need to be made?
  • When referring to “America…it’s ideals, it’s diversity and its ability to correct.”  Why does America need to be “corrected”?
  • “more perfect union”, is that a reference to implementing a One World religion & caliphate w/Sharia as the legal code of the land?
  • His Dad reminds him “how incredible a place this can be”. How about telling his son how incredible this place IS & HAS BEEN, with opportunities, freedoms, and liberties not given  anywhere else in the world.  Established by our Founders!
  • “Let’s fight to keep it that way.”  Is that a reference to Jihad?  Could be!
  • Abdul’s wifeSarah Jakaku, wears hijab, a fact that seriously undermines the image he seeks to project.   (PJ Media, Sept 5, 2017)  [An indicator she is Sharia compliant]
  • His uncles learned to prepare venison Halal so his entire family could share in the meals. (The Guardian, Aug 24, 2017)
  • El-Sayed’s father-in-law is Jakaku Tayeb, former president and current board member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Michigan. In 2007, CAIR was actually named by federal prosecutors as “unindicted co-conspirators” in a criminal plot to support the terrorist group Hamas.  (Jihad Watch, August 10, 2017)


Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed and the Brotherhood Stealth Model

  • According to the Middle East Forum, the Muslim Brotherhood differs from other radical jihadist groups in strategy, but not in goals. Both the Brotherhood and groups like ISIS seek to destroy the West and establish Sharia, or Islamic, law. But while groups like ISIS promote a military means of conquering the West, the Brotherhood, as stated in its internal documents, seeks to penetrate and destroy Western civilization from within — “‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their (own) hands.”  .”  (Jihad Watch, August 10, 2017)
  • Publicly, El-Sayed espouses a very tolerant form of Islam, once remarking that he was running for public office “because of the values my Islam teaches me” like beliefs in “equity” and “the fundamental rights of all people.” El-Sayed also frequently talks about people of different faiths coming together, upholding his “extremely diverse” family as a model. (El-Sayed’s father, Mohamed El-Sayed, married a white woman who converted to Islam. So now, through his step-mother, El-Sayed has a grandmother who’s a Presbyterian and apparently, an uncle who’s an atheist.) (Jihad Watch, August 10, 2017)
  • Al Jazeera does a “glowing” interview of this Democrat candidate… but never interviews any others… why? Approval of a Muslim candidate, possible run for President in 2020?
  • Abdul is quoted as saying, “I can tell you that my ability to practice my faith in person, in my own home, when I choose to, where I’m allowed to, because of freedoms in this country have everything to do with that separation of church and state,” he said. “If I am going to want to be able to put my face on the ground 34 times a day, like I do, because I’m Muslim, I want to make sure no one can take that right away from me. And I will not take that right away from anyone else.” (The Guardian, Aug 24, 2017)
  • He has pledged universal healthcare to all Michiganders if it fails on the federal level, says he will push to legalize marijuana and says he will raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour and make Michigan a “sanctuary state”: as a spokesman puts it, he is “unwilling to waste state taxpayer money to enforce federal law that would rob small businesses of hardworking employees and tear apart families”.  (The Guardian, Aug 24, 2017)

  • Repeatedly, El-Sayed has described himself as a devout Muslim: he prays several times a day; he has said that “his Islamic values are at the center of his work as a civil servant”; his father is an imam. If he’s a devout Muslim, that means he firmly supports sharia law. But how does he square this with his purported approval of secular government? Is he a devout Muslim or a devout believer in the separation of religion and state? You can’t be both. (PJ Media, Sept 5, 2017)
  • While a student at the University of Michigan, El-Sayed was “an active member” and vice-president of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA) – a group founded mainly by members of the Muslim Brotherhood for the express purpose of spreading Wahhabist ideology — an austere form of Islam that insists on literal interpretation of the Quran and views those who disagree as enemies.

According to terrorism expert Patrick Poole, the MSA “has been a virtual terror factory. Time after time after time again, we see these terrorists . . . MSA leaders, MSA presidents, MSA national presidents — who’ve been implicated, charged and convicted in terrorist plots.”  (Jihad Watch, August 10, 2017)

The extensive list of MSA terrorists includes (Jihad Watch, August 10, 2017):

  • Anwar al-Awlaki, an al-Queda senior recruiter and organizer.
  • Ramy Zamzam, convicted in Pakistan for attempting to join the Taliban and kill U.S. troops, was president of the MSA’s Washington, D.C. council.
  • Omar Shafik Hammami, the former president of the MSA at the University of South Alabama, who abandoned his wife and infant daughter to join the terrorist group Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

WHO/WHAT IS THE Muslim Student Association?


Friends engaging friends… “strong women leaders” – Sally Yates, Maxine Waters, and Elizabeth Warren?   And Bill Clinton hovering nearly on top of  Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed?

  • Sally Yates, an Obama hold-over, fired by President Trump for refusing to enforce the president’s Executive Order. But, she didn’t stand against anything Obama implemented.
  • Maxine Waters, who’s been in office since 2013 in her current position, but since 1990 in other positions. Basically a lifer who can’t seem to do anything but scream, “Impeach Trump”, without any reason other than she just doesn’t like him!
  • Elizabeth Warren, who thinks she’s American Indian, but just can’t seem to prove it. BUT… everyone MUST give her special status as she would then qualify as a minority.

These are his role models for “strong women leaders”?   Very disturbing!

Again, Linda Sarsour, who openly declared Jihad on President Trump!

This is who Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed feels compelled to stand with?  Makes for very dangerous liasions!

Abdulrahman Mohamed El-Sayed and President Trumps Recent Tax Cuts

Tax cuts “Wont  grow #jobs”, only #inequality.  #fail”

I believe Abdul has it VERY Wrong!  But he’s following the Pelosi “Crumbs” mantra!

The following bullets from: New York Post, January 27, 2018:

  • The president’s policies of cutting high taxes and excessive regulationsare sparking a stock market surge and soaring economic confidence.
  • Millions of workers will get the bonuses, most of which are for $1,000, and untold others will get new or higher-paying jobs.
  • Most of those workers also will see their take-home pay increase because they will get personal income tax cuts and a doubling of the standard deduction.
  • The cash-in-the-pocket benefits are great news to many families, but the boom is doing something else too: It’s giving the millennials a firsthand lesson in economics.
  • As the Wall Street Journal reported Friday, the tax cuts are “rippling through” the economy and leading all kinds of firms to explore expansion and some to consider new plants and acquisitions.
  • Many companies also are increasing their charitable contributions, with JPMorgan Chase saying it will boost its community-based philanthropy by 40 percent, to $1.75 billion over five years.