By: Lloyd Marcus

My wife Mary and I were extremely busy in Arizona campaigning to help propel Republican Debbie Lesko to victory in the congressional special election. Praise God, we won!

Before flying home to West Virginia, I checked news coverage of the April 23rd national parent’s protest, “Sex Ed Sit Out”. None of the major television networks covered this important global event with participants in Australia, Canada and the UK. Are you kidding me?

Finally, parents have begun to say enough with the arrogant leftist craziness going on in public schools; parents’ values circumvented, school boards and administrators overruling parents’ God given right to decide how their children should be raised.

Using “inclusion” and “anti-bullying” as Trojan Horses, LGBTQ activists have infiltrated the gates of public education with pornography, promiscuity and dangerous sexual practices. Unbelievably, the LGBTQ curriculum teaches kids oral sex, BDSM, asphyxiation, gender-bending, anal sex and rimming. Students are taught to question their gender. Insidiously, teachers even include going into gay bars in math lessons.

In Texas, pre-k teachers are told to explain homosexuality to 4 year olds and teach them that “gay love is beautiful.”

At the “Sex Ed Sit Out” rally in Vancouver, Canada, Karen Chan exposed SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) laws. If SOGI is implemented in public schools, LGBTQ indoctrination will be included in all subjects and all grades. Parents will not be permitted to opt out their children.

All school administrators, teachers, support staff, students and even parents are ordered to use gender neutral language. They are also required to reprimand anyone caught breaking this policy. Anyone questioning SOGI will be investigated and suffer consequences. SOGI big-brother operatives will be in schools monitoring what you say, how you behave, your emotions, your expressions and your attitude.

Students suffering with gender confusion will be affirmed, barred from receiving therapy. Students will be allowed to use dressing rooms and rest rooms of their opposite biological sex simply by saying they “self-identify”. SOGI teaches gender fluid ideology. So a boy can use the girl’s rest room today and the boy’s tomorrow – depending on which gender he identifies with that day. Boys are permitted to share overnight accommodations with girls. Parents fearful of SOGI’s tyranny are branded hateful and homophobic.

In the few years since SCOTUS twisted the Constitution to declare same sex marriage the law of the land, LGBTQ activists are behaving like tyrannical dictators; terrorizing Americans into submission. SOGI laws threaten our freedom.

A homosexual lawyer in Delaware is pushing legislation to allow students in schools to identify with whatever race or gender they choose without parental notification. If passed, schools will help students change their sex without parental knowledge.

In Ohio, Judge Sylvia Hendon ordered a child removed from her parents’ home because the parents disapproved of their daughter taking non-FDA approved drugs for a sex change.

For decades, leftists have been obsessed with sexualizing kids. In the 1950s, leftist psychologist John Money used junk-science to support transgender medicine. Money’s “Psychohormonal Group” at Johns Hopkins taught precocious (early) puberty boys how to masturbate. When Money’s researchers asked a 6 year old boy how often he masturbated, the boy did not know what they were talking about. Using a pencil, researchers instructed the boy. On his next visit, the 6 year old boy said he masturbated six times a day.

Not only does the SOGI curriculum teach students that changing their gender is heroic and good, students are taught that anyone opposing their sex change is mean and bigoted. Folks, this is nuts!

But how did we get here so quickly after SCOTUS redefined marriage? In the early 1990s, LGBT activists and experts on public persuasion Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen published their book, “After the Ball”. Kirk and Madsen’s book served as the marketing manifesto to normalize LGBTQ lifestyles and demonize all opposition.

In 2015, former Republican Congressman Tom Delay discovered a secret memo revealing a dozen perversions Obama’s DOJ wanted to legalize including bestiality and pedophilia. Why are leftists so obsessed and determined to normalize every sexual perversion? Please explain the positive benefit of little Johnny’s school instructing him about rimming?

The “Sex Ed Sit Out” national parent’s protest is a wonderful start. I am elated that parents are finally waking up and smelling LGBTQ activists’ iron-fist dictatorial behavior.

A great general fighting on the front line for our kids is The Activist Mommy, Elizabeth Johnston. Elizabeth has been sounding the alarm, “They are coming for our children!” Elizabeth boldly tells “mama bears” to rise up and take their kids back from social Markists and transgender activists’ subversive agenda.

You can help by liking Elizabeth’s facebook page, be her friend and share her video with hashtag #HandsOffOurKids

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American
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