By: Snarky Basterd
Feed Your ADHD

Since I couldn’t draw to save my life, even if a Muslim held a sword to my neck and screamed “Draw, infidel, or I’ll cut off your head … Allahu Akbar,” rather than try to submit some half-assed Photochop for my official Draw Mohammed Day post I’ll instead reconfigure something I put together last year and honor the religion of pieces in the most fitting way I know.


Time and time again, Mohammad told his goat, Sharif, to stay away during prayer time, but Sharif, the naughty little basterd he is, couldn’t stop hitting that ass even if Allah himself walked into the room.

After the Sharif incident, Mohammad’s rear-end was sore, and, needing time alone to recover, he decided to go see what he thought would turn out to be his favorite new movie.

But all of the characters in the movie were infidels, and this angered Mohammad so much, he joined a group of peace lovers assembling outside the theater in a little discussion of culture.

The crowd grew as time went on, but unbeknown to Mohammad, the organizers passed out signs meant for a different group.

At first Mohammad worried he was soon going to meet his 72 virgins, secretly hoping they all looked and talked like Bawney Fwank. But after a while he realized who was pResident of the United States and knew he had nothing to fear. So he became carefree again and found Sharif, and the lovers went home for a little afternoon delight.