By: Jeffrey Klein
Political Buzz Examiner

Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared uncharacteristically off balance and disarmed during her interview by Candy Crowley on CNN’s Sunday show “State of the Union,” according to video in Jeff Poor’s May 27, 2012 Daily Caller article.

Crowley focused on the union-driven Wisconsin recall election June 5th, with Republican Governor Scott Walker defending his office against Democrat Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who decisively lost the same battle against then Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker, in the race for Governor during the 2010 Wisconsin state elections.

Noting that the Democratic National Committee chairwoman would be traveling to the Badger state to campaign and fund-raise for Barrett (because the unions pulled their substantial ad campaign in the face of nearly certain defeat), Crowley asked DWS how she would handicap the race–especially as all current polls show Walker with a commanding lead, and the embarrassing fact that Walker eclipsed Barrett in the May 8th primary races, garnering 626,538 votes to Barrett’s modest 390,109, as we reported in our May 9th article.

“I think that he [Barrett] has a real opportunity to win,” said Wasserman Schultz.

“We have put our considerable grassroots resources behind him. All of the Obama for America and state party resources, our grassroots network is fully engaged.

And — well, I think what’s going to happen is that because of our on-the-ground operation, we have had an opportunity in this election, because especially given that Wisconsin is a battleground state, just like we did in the recall elections a year ago, to give this a test run.”

“I think Tom Barrett will pull this out; but … regardless …

… it has given the Obama for America operation an opportunity to do the dry run that we need of our massive, significant, dynamic grassroots presidential campaign, which can’t really be matched by the Romney campaign or the Republicans.”

So, now Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants us all to believe that even if Barrett loses this famously union funded re-call contest with the entire Obama/Democrat/Union “machine” aligned against Walker—it somehow forecasts an Obama victory in the November general elections?

DWS was not handicapping the contest; she was blowing up a Hindenburg-sized hot air balloon to see if it would fly on national TV.

How dangerous–just one pin-prick of fact or truth and its a free-fall for Obama in 2012.