By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Over the weekend on some private forums that we visit, I read some very disturbing accounts concerning auto dealerships and what this whole sleight-of-hand economics that Obama is pushing has done to ordinary people. People who have worked their whole lives to build a business, only to have it snatched from them via a Fed-Ex registered letter. Not only that, but the closings don’t seem to make much sense.

Dealership owners who have worked their way up from washing and prepping cars to owning the dealership, 50 years of sweat and blood work, last week in an instant lost three to four million and everything they have worked their whole lives for. Management didn’t even have the stones or the decency to call these owners, much less meet with them. These owners are good, hard-working people and don’t deserve this – it screams of manipulation and the height of unfairness. It certainly makes a mockery of our beloved capitalistic system. Some profitable dealerships are being shut down and their cars are going to nearby dealerships that have never been profitable. Either their accountants can’t do simple math, or the auto makers have incompetent, corrupt management.

A prime example of this can be found in this article – you should read it all:

Customers would be biggest losers if Jim Clark shuts down, owner says

I notice the stock market is up again today – our stock market has lost touch with reality. You just can’t believe what you see in the market or what is coming from the government. They are pushing absolute lies… I read somewhere this morning that this auto dealership purge will result in 100,000+ lost in jobs. That headline disappeared very quickly though and now it is all rainbows and unicorns on Wall Street. Down is up, wrong is right and this is how Obama is creating jobs.

Update: Chrysler’s business decision is personal to small town

Update: Right Here In My Own Backyard – The Radio Patriot

US Government to Buy GM if it Declares Bankruptcy