We Thank the First 3 Patriots for Stepping Forward!

It’s going to take money to not just Defeat Harry Reid, but replace him with a solid conservative Republican who will stand up to the establishments of both political parties wheny they stray down the path of Big Government socialist policies.

That’s why we’ve been pushing so hard to meet our $100,000 goal for our ad blitz supporting Conservative Republican Sharron Angle in her quest to win Harry Reid’s seat.

As part of that push we asked for 100 supporters to contribute $500 to this campaign. We realize not everyone can afford that large of a donation to a political campaign, but we also know that out of the 350,000+ supporters of the Tea Party Express that at least 100 of you can afford such a contribution to a critical U.S. Senate race.

And already 3 patriots have already stepped forward and made this $500 contribution, and many others have contributed $100, $200 and $250. Here are the first 3 people to step forward and contribute at the $500 level just today:

*Robert – Houston, TX
*Darryl – Spring Church, PA
*Steven – Clinton, NJ

There remains $30,000 that still must be raised to fund this initial $100,000 wave of advertising, but we want to surpass this goal and actually reach $125,000 or $150,000.

To do this we need a lot more help. Harry Reid has already raised over $12 MILLION. That’s why we need the most generous support possible from our supporters to fight back!

To surpass our goal we’ll need help. While many of you will be able to contribute $25, $50, or $100 to this campaign, I’m hoping that 97 more individuals will step forward with a contribution of $500. For $500 you can impact history by helping to replace Harry Reid with a proven, stalwart conservative Republican like Sharron Angle.

Please contribute to our campaign supporting Sharron Angle – HERE.

You can contribute as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed $5,000 contribution. Contribute whatever you can afford. We’re looking for 97 more people who can afford a contribution of $500 or more.

To contribute – JUST CLICK HERE.

Or mail in a contribution payable to “Tea Party Express” to our headquarters:

Tea Party Express
ATTN: Sharron Angle for Senate
770 L Street #1020
Sacramento, CA 95814

**UPDATE** – You can see and hear the first round of TV and radio ads your contributions will be supporting – HERE.

**ALSO** – Besides contributing, you can also become a “Fan” of Sharron Angle for U.S. Senate on Facebook. Just click “LIKE” here at her page: http://www.facebook.com/SharronforSenate