By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Zombie has a great new post up for ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day:’

The New Free Speech Movement

In honor of ‘Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,’ I’ve taken the above from Zombie for NoisyRoom since drawing is not one of my strengths and this does justice to the movement for the day.

I realize that not everyone supports today. But with me it is the principle of the matter. This is based on several things for me:

  • Above all, I believe that Freedom of Speech applies to everyone and that no religion or group of people should be able to hold the world hostage because they believe they have a right to be offended.
  • Although I believe Muslims have a right to worship however they wish and I would fight for that right, I believe their religion is broken and flawed and that murderous radicals control their religion worldwide and will not rest until we convert, subjugate ourselves or die. It is a violent perversion of true religion.
  • I find the mosque being built in New York next to where the Twin Towers stood to be an insult to all those who died on 9-11 and all Americans in general. Now I understand a second mosque will be built near there as well. This is an arrogant, thumb-your-nose slap-in-the-face to America to show that Islam has conquered the American spirit. Think again, because Americans will not be conquered and will not kneel to anyone.

In light of this, I will not be silenced by murderous thugs who try to bully and/or murder those who don’t agree with them. As far as I am concerned, they can pound sand. And in light of our President’s anti-semitic views and his overt threats to Israel while coddling the Muslim world, I am doubly in favor of today. May those mosques not be built and not stand. Insha’ Allah…

Islam does not get to dictate what is provocative and I am sick and tired of Americans defending something that is clearly wrong and promotes the Ummah and Sharia Law.

Americans dragged themselves from England, fought, died and sacrificed all so that we could have freedom of religion and speech. So we could live without fear of being punished for what we say and think. America will not stand for laws against blasphemy and the heavy handed justice meted out by a religion straight out of the dark ages.

Zombie in her piece is calling for a new free speech movement and it is way past time that such a thing occur. Especially since the FCC and Obama’s minions are threatening to crack down on free speech on the web, radio and television.

A final word from Zombie who gets it right:

Islamic extremists still seem to think that banning Facebook or threatening to kill the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day organizers will somehow make the problem of blasphemy go away. They don’t yet understand that we in the West have spent the last 600 years not merely earning the right to be blasphemous, but more importantly creating a society and a worldview in which there is no such thing as blasphemy, because all forms of speech are permitted and religious bullies no longer get to determine what is forbidden.

Read all of Zombie’s post. Then pull out the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence and read those. We have to choose between our founding father’s light of freedom and Islam’s dark creed of oppression.