By: Arlen Williams
Gulag Bound

What is John Boehner thinking?

Perhaps I’ll take time to expound upon the answer (below) to my own question a bit later, but look at the loopholes in a CROmnibus that deserves to be thrown over the fiscal cliff.

Republicans leaving anti-rights restoration provision in appropriations bill
Holey cow, the loopholes! It’s a golden calf for amnesty. The big, central bankster financed, transnational tycoons who butter the Republican bosses’ bread want it bad. Think cheaper labor. Think North American Union/Integration; the plans have been in the works for years, semi-secret, semi… not. Think Great American Bring-down, as the wealthiest 1% of 1% float their money in overseas markets (and in the hoarding of United States resources). Eliana Johnson – Lee: Executive Action Contains Citizenship Loophole for Illegals

Katie Pavlich – Cruel Reality: Obama Paying for Illegal Amnesty With Fees Paid by Legal Immigrants