By: Mike Wiley
Wiley for U.S. Senate

October 21, 2009

Senator Harry Reid.
522 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20500

Via Facsimile @ – 202-224-7327

Subject: A Little Boy and his Dad

Dear Senator Reid,

You are engaged in a US Senate race with two millionaires, two political opportunists, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a marine and Mike Wiley.

I can’t speak for the others running in this race, but I do speak for the little boy and his dad.

I was at Lowe’s the other morning to exchange a propane tank for an afternoon barbeque, in front of the store was a little boy in uniform who might grow up to be a Marine serving his country or go off to college and be a doctor or a lawyer or even a Wall Street Banker. He was in front of Lowe’s with his dad volunteering to help raise money for the Boy Scouts of America.

In the spring, I always buy the Girl Scout cookies because they are oh so good. In the fall I don’t eat the popcorn the Boy Scouts sell but instead give them $20.00, thank them and go on my way.

On my way out of the store, while I was waiting for the attendant to switch tanks, I gave the little boy a “Wiley for US Senate” button and told him “Here is your first campaign button”.

The father and I struck up a conversation and, being a father myself, it touched my heart that this man was so concerned for the future of his son. Concerned that you and your Democrat cohorts are so arrogantly jamming things down the throats of Americans that they don’t want, like Obama Health Care.

What you and your Far Left leaning Democrat buddies like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein Obama are doing, with no regard to the citizens for whom you are supposed to be working, has people scared. It is your zeal to consume every one’s freedom for your own desires of power that has people wondering what has happened to the America we grew up in.

Forty-six years ago, our nation was concerned about the Communists and what they were doing to the Russian people after being in power, coincidently, 46 years and their potential threat to America. Forty-six years later the people of this Republic are concerned about what the Democrats are doing to the American people. We know the Democrats aren’t suffering much from this recession if they can afford to pay $2,400 for a stack of pancakes.

This week you are going to waste millions of dollars running an advertising campaign to tell Nevadans that you saved 10,000 jobs while losing 200,000 jobs. And that you are not the Harry Reid they already know all too well.

Why not save that money and donate it to those without health care? The top five Unions spent $100 million getting Democrats elected, so that you would do their bidding, when they could have used that money for reducing the cost of health care for the rank and file.

Why not do what the people who pay your salary ask? Why not do what’s right by stopping the Health Care Reform scam? Why won’t you simply speak to the American people, apologize for losing your way and telling them it won’t happen again?

Why not tell the little boy and his dad not to worry, the nightmare is over. Do this and history will favor you. Don’t do it and our children’s children will read in their history books about the Second American Revolution.

I was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, and am now a Battle Born Nevadan; I know what I am talking about. And, I look forward to our first debate when I get to see the whites of your eyes.

Funny thing Harry here you are with $8 million in your campaign treasury and Democrats are paying you $2,400 a piece for pancakes and I have $400 in my campaign treasury and I am donating $20 to the Boy Scouts.

I guess things have changed thanks to Obama. Now, the Democrats are the Party of Wealth and $2,400 pancakes, while the Republicans are the Party of Working families like the little boy and his dad and $20 popcorn.

Mike Wiley
Republican Conservative for US Senate