By: T F Stern
T F Stern’s Rantings

Most folks were unaware of the hidden perils within the recently passed Health Care Reform bill many now call “Obamacare.” Remember, “We have to pass it before we know what’s in it.” One item of interest turned out to be the federal government taking over all student loans; private lending institutions will no longer be making them.

The other day there was a news article on Vision of America’s website, Feds Plan to Control All Schools with Regulations. It referenced a piece of legislation which required input; but the date of such input had long passed and must be considered as having been implemented since the article also suggested this would go into effect as early as November.

“As a practical matter, the department’s power grab carries with it an implicit invitation for various pressure groups to seek legal mandates requiring colleges and universities to implement their pet theories about curriculum, degree requirements, faculty qualifications, teaching methods, textbooks, evolution, phonics, ROTC, climate change, family policy, abortion, race, sexual orientation, economic theory, etc.”

I was able to find another article on the same subject written by John Andrews back in August which had to do with the government takeover of private colleges. If you think about it, the U.S. Department of Education will now be in control of every aspect of public and private schools; a frightening thought if ever there was one.

“Accreditation, the gateway to academic and financial viability for all colleges and universities, whether tax-supported or not, would (be) made conditional upon state regulation and authorization for the first time ever.

By specifying that such regulation be “substantive” and that “adverse action” be part of the authorization process, the pending federal rule would plunge private higher education into the maelstrom of ideological agendas and interest-group politics in 50 state capitals.

Former US Senator Bill Armstrong, now president of Colorado Christian University, warned in a July 30 letter to the US Department of Education that this could mean the all-out politicization of American higher education, endangering academic freedom, due process, and First Amendment rights.”

In simple terms, higher education would be at the mercy of whichever political party was in power and held the purse strings. You might recall Obama having religious symbols covered during a recent trip to Georgetown University; a hint of things to come?

This afternoon on the BYU television channel, there was an hour program about the LDS Church in Kiev, Ukraine. It gave a brief history of the area and how important having a temple built in Kiev (pronounced Keeve as opposed to Key-Ev) was to church members in that area.

I mention this for one reason; they interviewed one fellow who’d been an atheist most of his life. He eventually found his way with the help of a couple of Mormon missionaries and became a member of the Church. He made a statement which chilled me to the bone as I recalled how our government was systematically taking over public education while at the same time making it more difficult to bring up the subject of religion, particularly the mention of God or Jesus Christ.

“In college we were taught there was no God,” translated via an interpreter in a matter of fact way as if to indicate that such was the policy throughout the communist country.

Communist government school policy teaches there is no God, a political necessity for government to take the place of God. Inalienable rights; you can forget them, because if there is no God then there are no such inalienable rights. Government decides who gets to do everything at the expense of individual liberty. Isn’t that the path we are on now here in America, an intentional rewriting of history in order to blur and then eradicate any mention of our nation having been founded on Christian principles?

I found a quote by Bob Schaffer, Chairman, Colorado State Board of Education, on a site called Physics Forum relating to the take over of colleges and universities by the federal government:

“The historic strength of the American higher-education system can be directly attributed to its independence from government agents and political authorities. Seizing authority from the academic private sector and moving it wholly to the government-bureaucracy sector is the quickest way to terminate the intellectual freedom that has set America apart from every other nation and has made our society the most prosperous in the history of human civilization.”

If red flags of warning are not getting your attention then you are deaf, dumb and blind; no disrespect to those without the ability to hear, speak or see. Our government will now be able to decide who gets to attend institutions of higher education and the curriculum which will be taught. America is in trouble and come November we need to make every effort to stop the runaway train that’s headed at an ever increasing speed toward total destruction of the American way of life intended by our Creator.

This article has been cross posted to The Moral Liberal, a publication whose banner reads, “Defending The Judeo-Christian Ethic, Limited Government & The American Constitution.”