By: T F Stern
The Moral Liberal

Prophet Statesmen, Ezra Taft Benson

It is high time we realized the dangerous threat to America of creeping socialism as the ruthless comrade to atheistic communism.

It is high time that we recognize creeping socialism for what it really is—a Red Carpet providing a royal road to communism.

A few months before coming to the United States Khrushchev is reported to have said:

We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism….

I say again, communism is freedom’s most dangerous enemy; the threat of communism in America is real and I believe in all seriousness that socialism paves the way for communism. Truly, in our land, our choice land of America, we are laying the Red Carpet, which permits creeping socialism to be America’s “royal road” to communism.

Source: Ezra Taft Benson, 1962, The Red Carpet, p. 65-83.