By: Dave Logan

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DAY EIGHT of the TPX IV tour was a major success — with the tour in the second half and building up to the election on Tuesday November 2nd, today will be just as important and successful. Yesterday the crew hit Dallas-Ft. Worth and Little Rock, with a quick Whistle stop at Mt. Pleasant, TX. Tour embed Andrea Shea King has pics of day eight’s event at The Radio Patriot.

DAY NINE points the TPX caravan towards the historic city of Nashville, TN for a 4 PM rally. After today, TPX will gas up the coaches and head for KY and MO. Check the tour schedule for times and locations.

Viewership rising — Tea Party HD and have the “live” feed running smooth, with cameras trained on the stage show as well as roving reporters doing interviews throughout. It’s a greatly improved TPX broadcast system.

THE VIEWERSHIP has been outstanding. For example, the Phoenix rally with Sarah Palin pulled 1.6 million viewers, and just yesterday’s morning event posted 700,000 attendees via their computers. Outstanding, indeed. And tour officials couldn’t be happier with your dedicated participation. Hit your email lists, pick up the phone and alert friends and family of the upcoming events. Encourage them to attend a rally in their area or at least attend via their computer. It’s a great show! I mean, what’s not to like about Lloyd Marcus, Diana Nagy and the Rivoli Revue.

The impressive viewership numbers can be directly attributed to the great folks helping spread the word each day: Barbara at American Freedom; Melanie Morgan; Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at NoisyRoom and of course our man in Chicago, John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit to name a few. We can’t thank them enough — America’s future is at stake and these bloggers are on the front lines helping out each day.

The Tea Party Express IV Commemorative Journal, published by Wm and Selena Owens, is something you’ll want to have and save as it will be the historic journal of record at the end of the tour. Purchase your copies today. I have mine, read it, enjoyed it and then placed it in plastic for preservation.

TONIGHT: THE ANDREA SHEA KING SHOW will broadcast “live” from the TPX tour at 9 PM ET. Again, I have no clue why you’d miss this event. This is real “live” radio — remote — and we do our best each night to bring you a show that informs and entertains you. If things get slow, I’ll have Andrea sing something for ya!

* UPDATES will be posted down below — I’m sure Andrea will have some news for us later today. Check back.